Table of Contents |
The custom methods exclude filter allows ignoring of specific methods during the build scan and extends the functionality offered by the files excluded filesexcluded
and packages excluded packagesexcluded
filter parameters as used by the Sealights build scanner.
For build scanner command and parameter usage refer to SeaLights Java agent - Command Reference.
Method Ignore rules and syntax
The customer filter will be provided as an external file in JSON format (see the example below).
classNames - a list of comma-separated class-names patterns according to Class name pattern notation. If the property is omitted or empty, the rules will be applied to any class.
excludesExact - a comma-separated list of method signatures according to Exact method signature notation, that should be excluded
excludesRegex - a list of method signatures regex patterns according to Method signature regex pattern notation that should be excluded.
includesExact - a comma-separated list of method signatures according to Exact method signature notation that should not be excluded.
includesRegex - a list of method signatures regex patterns according to Method signature regex pattern notation that should not be excluded.
Filter patterns notation
Class name pattern notation
May be an exact value or a regular expression
A sign '$' in the nested class pattern will not be handled as a regex special character, but as a part of the name
A pattern should not contain a file extension
Code Block |
"classNames": [".*MyClass", ".*MyClass$.*"] |
Exact method signature notation
An exact method signature should include the following verbs separated by single space: method access, return type, method name and parameter types in brackets.
The exact method signature is used as is for full equity.
Method signature regex pattern notation
The method signature regex should be defined according to Java regex notation, but the method arguments enclosing parentheses will not be handled as a regex special character.