On In the first week of 2022, Sealights SeaLights is launching it’s its new “Test Optimization” feature, previously running as beta and open only to few selected customers.
This feature is replacing the old TIA page in the Sealights SeaLights application, but all of the previous capabilities remain. The below page Here will explain some of the main presentation differences between the two pages. For a more in-depth description of the new features, please click here, or watch some of our tutorials here.
Full application listApplication List
While the TIA page shows the applications in two separate lists, separated by which application has test stages with TIA on, in the new Test Optimization page, the entire application list is always shown, with filters on the left side of the page.
The applications are parked marked with a blue circle (TIA fully TIA on), gray circle (TIA off) or martial circle (some of the test stages are with TIA on).
Statistical informationInformation
In the new Test Optimization page, just like in the old TIA page, it is possible to click on each of the applications to see additional data.
On the first If you click on each of the appsan application, a right panel with information about each test stage is shown.
At all times, the left side filters are still operational to allow filtering for specific apps, date ranges, and test stages.
Running simulation and turning optimization onthe Simulation and Turning Optimization On
To see the saving potential in the new Test Optimization page, there is a need to turn simulation on. This button is always present in the top right cornet of the page. Once the simulation is on, it will show the potential length of the tests under the actual length for each of the applicationapplications, with a dark blue line.
While inside a specific test stage, the button to turn the optimization on is again also on te the top right corner of the page.
For a more in-depth description of the new features, please click here, or watch some of our tutorials here.