These errors could point to an issue with creating a secure connection to our server due to a misconfigured or missing certificate.
The missing certificate is often the Selaights Security certificate, but sometimes your own Corporate certificate.
The instructions below will detail the steps required to add the SeaLights certificate to your local Java Keystore.
Retrieve the SeaLights certificate from your dashboard:
While logged in, click on the “Lock” icon to the left of your address bar.
2. Add the certificate to the Java keystoreKeystore:
Code Block |
keytool -importcert -alias your-alias -keystore cacerts.jks -file certificate.pem -storepass password |
In some cases, it may be necessary to convert the exported certificate to PEM format , so that it could to be loaded into the JKS (Java Key Store). To do so, use the following command:
3. Validate the certificate was actually imported into the keystore file being used by the JVM with the following command: