token or tokenFile - set with a token or a file containing the token obtained from the SeaLights dashboard
Managing the session ID
If you create a Build Session ID externally, provide the following fields:
buildSessionId or buildSessionIdFile - Set with a build session id or a file containing the build session id created by the config step
createBuildSessionId - Set to false
If you want to create a Build Session ID using the SeaLights Gradle plugin, provide the following fields:
createBuildSessionId - Set to true
appName - Name of the application as you want to see it on the SeaLights dashboard
branchName - Name of the branch as you want to see it on the SeaLights dashboard
buildName - Name of the build as you want to see it on the SeaLights dashboard
packagesIncluded - Comma-separated list of packages to include in the scan operation. Note: This is defining a subset, so it must include the star to include all sub-packages/classes
If you want to create a Pull Request Build Session ID using the SeaLights Maven plugin, provide the following fields:
createPRBuildSessionId - Set to true
appName - Name of the application as you want to see it on the SeaLights dashboard
targetBranch - The branch to which this PR will be merged (already reported to SeaLights)
pullRequestNumber - The number assigned to the Pull Request from the source control
latestCommit - The full SHA of the last commit made to the Pull Request
repositoryUrl - The pull request URL for the PR to be scanned up until the section before the
valuepackagesIncluded - Comma-separated list of packages to include in the scan. Note: This is defining a subset, so it must include the asterisk to include all sub-packages/classes
packagesExcluded - (Optional) Comma-separated list of packages to include in the scan. Note: This is defining a subset, so it must include the asterisk to include all sub-packages/classes
executionType - Provide which executions need to be handled by the Gradle plugin
full - Execute both the build scanner and the test listener
scanonly - Execute only the build scanner
testTasksAndStages - (Optional) Mapping of test tasks’ names to test stage names as they will be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard. It should be of the format {"testTask1":"testStage1", "testTask2":"testStage2"}
proxy - (Optional) Address of proxy to run connection through