Versions Compared


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This page summarizes the agents commands for genrating a pull request specific build session ID and configuration, for the following technologies:


Display log output to the console
Export the log information to a log file named 'sl.node.log'


You can refer to the default configuration page for Generating a Build Session ID using the Jenkins Plugin in regards to installation and other details.

  • Minimum slnodejs Agent Jenkins plugin version supporting prConfig command: 1.3.255.
  • Recommended version is: latest.
  • Enable This Step - Check box to allow you to disable a step without deleting it. When marked the step will be performed
  • Fail the build if this step fails - Check box to allow you to choose if the job will fail or not if this step fails
  • In the Action select PrConfig - Create build session data
    • If you are building a Java project, then open the Add drop down and select Java Options
      • In the Monitored Application Packages enter the list of packages that you want SeaLights to analyze. It should be a comma separated list with asterisks before and after each entry.
        It should be exactly the same as what was defined to SeaLights for the merged branch so that the compared results will be the same

    • Enter the following parameters:

repositoryUrl repository URL of the and merged branchs 
appnameApp NameThe name of the app the Pull Request is being merged to (as provided to SeaLights)
pullRequestNumberThe Pull Request number that is being evaluated

Latest Commit

The latest commit SHA of the Pull Request branch
Repository URLThe repository URL of the Pull Request and merged branchs 

Target Branch

The name of the branch the Pull Request is being merged to (as provided to SeaLights)latestCommit
The latest commit SHA of the

Pull Request



The Pull Request number that is being evaluated
Additional ArgumentsSection to provide additional parameters if needed usually to override the global parameters. See the field help (Image Modified) in Jenkins for more details

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