Guidelines while providing support:
Verify that the latest version of Sealights Chrome Extension is installed. Find it in the extensions page (chrome://extensions/). Below it shows that version 1.4.0 is installed:
Capture the console of the extension’s background page. To open the extension’s background page the user should switch on Developer mode in the extensions page (located in the top right corner of the page), and then click the background page link found in the extension box:
Once the user clicks the background page link, capture its console in case there are error messages that may be helpful during investigation. An example of the page console with some error messages:
It may be also helpful to copy request/response pairs from the Network tab, especially from the XHR list as illustrated here:
Right clicking on any request in the list will show the following menus where the user can copy anything related to the selected request and send it to us for further investigation: