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To capture code coverage on your backend server, you need to run it using our Node.js test listener agent.

Code Block
./node_modules/.bin/npx slnodejs run --tokenfile ./path/to/sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId [--labid <Lab ID>] --workspacepath "." --useinitialcolor true -- /your/backend/server/command 

call .\node_modules\.bin\slnodejs run --tokenfile \path\to\sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId [--labid <Lab ID>] --workspacepath "." --useinitialcolor true -- \your\backend\server\command 

Note the /your/backend/server/command from above refers to "./server/app.js" in the example of command below:

./node_modules/.bin/npx slnodejs run --tokenfile ./sltoken.txt --buildsessionidfile buildSessionId --labid "LAB_ID_2" --workspacepath "./server" --useinitialcolor true --useslnode2 -- "./server/app.js"



See 'Node.js Command Reference - Running backend server' for full parameter details

Running backend server using SeaLights agent and preload.js

To run your backend service with Sealights without changing the startup command, use the preload.js file and the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable. This is a common practice in docker containers where the ENTRYPOINT cannot be modified.

  • The agent contains a preload.js file under node_modules/slnodejs/lib/preload.js. You use it by setting the environment variable: NODE_OPTIONS="--require ./node_modules/slnodejs/lib/preload.js"

  • In the current working directory, the agent will search for the token in the file sltoken.txt and the build session ID in the file buildSessionId.

  • Other parameters can be passed to the agent using the following syntax: SL_ + {command line flag}. For instance, to pass the lab ID, you can set SL_labId=my_lab_id

Sample docker file:

Code Block
ENV SL_labId=integ_test_otel
ENV NODE_OPTIONS="--require ./node_modules/slnodejs/lib/preload.js"

ENTRYPOINT [ "node", "--require", "./tracing.js", "index.js" ]