Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

We have captured here some

Azure DevOps Pipeline for a DotNet application

Code Block

#Retrieve the same name of target branch as reported in Sealights Dashboard
#Retrieve the last Commit Hash from the PR branch and not the one from the ADO local Merge
$PR_LAST_COMMIT=$(git log -2 --format=%H).Split(" ")[1]

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Write-Output "Retrieve DotNet agent version set in Sealights settings..." 
$agentversion = ((iwr -Uri https://$($sldomain)/api/v2/agents/dotnet/recommended -Headers @{'Accept' = 'application/json'; 'Authorization' = "Bearer $($slagenttoken)"}).Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object agent).agent.version
Write-Output "Download Sealights DotNet agent..." 
iwr -OutFile -Uri$($agentversion).zip
Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath SL.DotNet -Force
Write-Output "Sealights agent version used is: $(Get-Content .\SL.DotNet\version.txt)" 

Write-Output "`n*** Create PR BSID ***"
.\SL.DotNet\x64\SL.DotNet.exe prConfig --appName $APP_NAME --pullRequestNumber  $PR_NUMBER  --targetBranch $PR_TARGET_BRANCH --latestCommit $PR_LAST_COMMIT --repositoryUrl $REPO_URL --includeNamespace CalculatorServer.Controllers --buildSessionIdFile $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\SealightsBuildSessionId.txt --token $(AgentToken.Sandbox) --logEnabled true --logAppendConsole true --ignoreCertificateErrors true

Write-Output "`n*** Prepare for MSBuild ***"
.\SL.DotNet\x64\SL.DotNet.exe prepareForMsBuild --buildSessionIdFile $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\SealightsBuildSessionId.txt --workspacePath $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\src --baseDir  $(Build.Repository.LocalPath) --ignoreGeneratedCode true --debugMode true --logEnabled true --logAppendConsole true --ignoreCertificateErrors true --token $($slagenttoken) --scm git --scmProvider vsts 

Maven Build for a Java application

In the example below, we simply create the buildSessionId outside the JSON command using the relevant parameters.typical use cases of Pull Request Integration:

Table of Contents

The Target branch must have builds already reported to Sealights, otherwise the prConfig command will fail.
If your development process includes pull requests merged to features branch, you may want to exclude them from the scope if Sealights analysis or enforce a build to be reported with the creation of the feature branch (via a webhook).

Maven Build for a Java application

In the example below, we simply create the buildSessionId outside the JSON command using the relevant parameters.

In the sample script below, please update lines 7 and 8 before executing it.

Code Block
echo "Downloading Sealights Agents..."
wget -nv
unzip -o

# sample values
export SL_APP_NAME="myApp"
export SL_PACKAGES_INCLUDED="*com.mycompany.*"

# Pull request parameters per the Sealights documentation
if [ -n "${BITBUCKET_PR_ID}" ]; then
      #Pull Request context (Bitbucket environment variables)
      java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -prConfig -token $SL_TOKEN -appname $SL_APP_NAME \
            -targetBranch "origin/$BITBUCKET_PR_DESTINATION_BRANCH" -pullRequestNumber $BITBUCKET_PR_ID \
            -latestCommit $BITBUCKET_COMMIT -repoUrl "$BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG" \
            -pi $SL_PACKAGES_INCLUDED
      #Regular Build
      java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -config -token $SL_TOKEN -appname $SL_APP_NAME \
            -branchname "${GIT_BRANCH}" -buildname "${BUILD_NUMBER}" -pi $SL_PACKAGES_INCLUDED

echo  '{
        "token": ${SL_TOKEN},
        "createBuildSessionId": false,
        "buildSessionIdFile": "./buildSessionId.txt",
        "filesIncluded": "*.class",
        "filesExcluded": "*test-classes*",
        "recursive": true,
        "includeResources": true,
        "testStage": "Unit Tests",
        "labId": null,
        "executionType": "full",
        "logEnabled": false,
        "logDestination": "console",
        "logLevel": "off",
        "logFolder": "/tmp/sl-logs",
        "sealightsJvmParams": {},
        "enabled": true,
        "filesStorage": "/tmp"
}' > slmaven.json
echo "Updating POM with Sealights..."
java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -pom -configfile slmaven.json -workspacepath .

Azure DevOps Pipeline for a DotNet application

In the sample script below, if required, please update lines 1 to 4 and 25-26 before executing it.


Lines 8-9, 22-23 and 26-27 contain the ` characters allowing multi-line commands in Powershell scripts, to increase readiness of this sample code.

Code Block

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Write-Output "Download the Sealights DotNet agent version set in settings..." 
$agentversion = ((iwr -Uri https://$($sldomain)/api/v2/agents/dotnet/recommended -Headers @{'Accept' = 'application/json'; 'Authorization' = "Bearer $($slagenttoken)"}).Content `
                          | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object agent).agent.version
iwr -OutFile -Uri$($agentversion).zip
Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath SL.DotNet -Force
Write-Output "Sealights agent version used is: $(Get-Content .\SL.DotNet\version.txt)" 

#Retrieve the same name of target branch as reported in Sealights Dashboard by removing the uncecessary prefix
#Retrieve the last Commit Hash from the PR branch and not the one from the ADO local Merge (via git log history)
$PR_LAST_COMMIT=$(git log -2 --format=%H).Split(" ")[1]

Write-Output "`n*** Create PR BSID ***"
.\SL.DotNet\x64\SL.DotNet.exe prConfig --appName $APP_NAME --pullRequestNumber $PR_NUMBER --targetBranch $PR_TARGET_BRANCH --latestCommit $PR_LAST_COMMIT --repositoryUrl $REPO_URL `
        --includeNamespace $APP_NAMESPACE --buildSessionIdFile $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\SealightsBuildSessionId.txt --token $($slagenttoken) --logEnabled true --logAppendConsole true --ignoreCertificateErrors true

# Base path where all relative paths should start from. By default the agent searches for the solution file and uses its path for this value
#Path to the source workspace

Write-Output "`n*** Prepare for MSBuild ***"
.\SL.DotNet\x64\SL.DotNet.exe prepareForMsBuild --buildSessionIdFile $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\SealightsBuildSessionId.txt --workspacePath $SOURCE_DIR `
        --baseDir $SOLUTION_DIR --ignoreGeneratedCode true --debugMode true --logEnabled true --logAppendConsole true --ignoreCertificateErrors true --token $($slagenttoken) --scm git --scmProvider vsts