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Before running the build scan and tests, you need to create a session ID. The session ID is provided to each step in order to link them together as one complete cycle.

Generating a session ID in Java is done using the Java Build scanner with the -config flag. In the following sample, we have used a timestamp for the build name but any environment variable can be used according to your organization’s naming conventionThis command can be executed as an ANT Java task.

Code Block
     <format property="time.stamp" pattern="yyyyMMdd-HHmm"/>

<target name="sealights_config">
	<java jar="${sealights.dir}/sl-build-scanner.jar" fork="true">
		<arg value="-config"/>
		<arg value="-tokenfile"/>
		<arg value="/path/to${sealights.dir}/sltoken.txt"/>
		<arg value="-appname"/>
		<arg value="myApp"/>
		<arg value="-branchname"/>
		<arg value="master"/>
		<arg value="-buildname"/>
		<arg value="${time.stamp}"/>
		<arg value="-pi"/>
		<arg value="**"/>

In the sample code above, we have used a timestamp for the build name but any environment variable can be used according to your organization’s naming convention.


See 'Java Command Reference - Creating a session ID' for full parameter details


In order to collect coverage information SeaLights, agents need to first scan the binary files for the build information: it can be the *.class, *.jar, or even the *.war files.

Scanning a build in ANT is achieved using the Java Build scanner executed as an ANT Java task.

Code Block
<target name="sealights_scan" depends="compile,sealights_config">
    <java jar="${sealights.dir}/sl-build-scanner.jar" fork="true">
		<arg value="-scan"/>
		<arg value="-tokenfile"/>
		<arg value="/path/to${sealights.dir}/sltoken.txt"/>
		<arg value="-buildsessionidfile"/>
		<arg value="buildSessionId.txt"/>
		<arg value="-workspacepath"/>
		<arg value="${build}"/>
		<arg value="-r"/>
		<arg value="-fi"/>
		<arg value="*.class"/>


In order to capture code coverage information from tests run with JUnit, you need to run it with our test listener as a Java agent:.

JUnit 4.x

  • The listener needs to be passed using the jvmarg attribute -javaagent parameter together with its required parameters.

Code Block
<junit fork="yes">
  <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${sealights.dir}/sl-test-listener.jar"/>
  <jvmarg value="-Dsl.tokenFile=${sealights.dir}/sltoken.txt"/>
  <jvmarg value="-Dsl.buildSessionIdFile=/path/to/sltokenbuildSessionId.txt"/>
  <jvmarg value="-Dsl.testStage=Unit Tests"/>

JUnit 5.x

  1. When tests are running in the same process, the listener needs to be passed using the jvmarg attribute -javaagent parameter with Sealights' Anonymous Execution mode deactivated.

  2. When tests are running in a different process (via a fork), we need to add the start and end commands before and after tests execution

Same process (not forked)

Different process (forked)

Code Block
	<testclasses outputdir="build/test-report">
		<jvmarg value="-javaagent:${sealights.dir}/sl-test-listener.jar"/>
		<jvmarg value="-Dsl.tokenFile=${sealights.dir}/sltoken.txt"/>
		<jvmarg value="-Dsl.buildSessionIdFile=buildSessionId.txt"/>
		<jvmarg value="-Dsl.anonymousExecution=false"/>
		<jvmarg value="-Dsl.


testStage=Unit Tests"/>
Code Block
<target name="test.junit.launcher" depends="compile">
	<java jar="${sealights.dir}/sl--test-listener.jar" fork="true">
		<arg value="start"/>
		<arg value="-tokenfile"/>
		<arg value="${sealights.dir}/sltoken.txt"/>
		<arg value="-buildsessionidfile"/>
		<arg value="buildSessionId.txt"/>
		<arg value="-testStage"/>
		<arg value="Unit Tests"/>
	<junitlauncher haltOnFailure="true" printSummary="true">
		<classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
		<testclasses outputdir="build/test-report">
				<jvmarg value="-javaagent:${sealights.dir}/sl--test-listener.jar"/>
				<jvmarg value="-Dsl.tokenFile=${sealights.dir}/sltoken.txt"/>
				<jvmarg value="-Dsl.buildSessionIdFile=buildSessionId.txt"/>
				<jvmarg value=




Unit Tests


	<java jar="${sealights.dir}/sl--test-listener.jar" fork="true">
		<arg value="end"/>
		<arg value="-tokenfile"/>
		<arg value="${sealights.dir}/sltoken.txt"/>
		<arg value="-buildsessionidfile"/>
		<arg value="buildSessionId.txt"/>

See 'Java Command Reference - Installing test listener as Java Agent' for full parameter details

Sample integration into an existing ANT project


Code Block
<project name="sl-ant-sample" xmlns:if="ant:if">

    <target name="compile">
		<echo>Compiling the JAR</echo>
		<antcall if:true="${sealights}" target="sealights_scan" />

	<target name="sealights_config">
		<echo>Sealights -- Create BSID</echo>

	<target name="sealights_scan" depends="sealights_config">
		<echo>Sealights -- Scan artefacts</echo>

	<target name="junit">
		<echo if:true="${sealights}">Sealights<>Sealights -- Add JVM arg</echo>


Here is a comparison of executions with and without the sealigths parameter set to true.
