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In organizations, distribution and installation of Sealights Chrome Extension must be central as part of the user’s configuration, rather than relying on individual per-user installation. The process is made of 2 steps:


Step 1 is platform dependent, as explained below. Step 2 should be platform agnostic as Chrome as a browser is essentially platform agnostic.

There are a number of user management platforms and they are using different terminologies.
This document will include description of the steps required on each platform that we have successfully distributed and deployed the extension.

Distribution and Installation

Windows Group Policy

This is a Windows based platform that requires the configuration of a dedicated policy and assigning this policy to all users who are using Sealights Chrome extension.


The configuration full entry therefore is: ldcbjefiplkmggapdfbpeemhihkgdmik;


This group policy guarantees that any user assigned it will have the extension installed and updated whenever the extension is updated in the store. The user cannot deactivate or remove it once installed, as the following image demonstrates:


As you can see, the extension deactivation toggle is disabled, and the Remove button is not available.

Token Automatic Configuration

Once the extension has been installed, it must be configured with a valid token to be able to carry out its functionality.

The extension, whether manually installed or distributed as described above, is bundled without a token. To configure the token the following command must be executed:

Code Block
<path-to-chrome-executable> chrome-extension://ldcbjefiplkmggapdfbpeemhihkgdmik/templates/auto-config.html?token=<token>
  • <path-to-chrome-executable> On WIndows machines it’s cWindows machines it is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Application\chrome.exe

  • <token> is the token unique to the customer


On Windows platform this command should be saved in a script file (e.g. Powershell ps1 file) in a central location that can be executed by all the users working with Sealights extension. The group policy configuration looks like this:


Group policy configured to run the script file c:\Scripts\Sealights_Token.ps1 every time the users logs on.
