Using a Sealights Token defined in Jenkins Credentials
You can define an entry in your Jenkins Credentials to store your Agent token and use it in your pipeline script.
You can refer to it from your script as follow
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: '', variable: 'SL_TOKEN')]) { sh ''' echo -n "$SL_TOKEN" > sltoken.txt ''' }
Sample script for Maven integration (Java Agent)
pipeline { agent any tools { jdk '1.8' } stages { stage('Git') { steps { // Wipe out workspace cleanWs() // Get some code from a GitHub repository git '' } } stage ("Adding Sealights") { steps { withCredentials([string(credentialsId: '', variable: 'SL_TOKEN')]) { sh ''' echo -n "$SL_TOKEN" > sltoken.txt ''' } script { sh ''' echo '{ "tokenFile": "sltoken.txt", "createBuildSessionId": true, "appName": "${env.JOB_NAME}", "branchName": "master", "buildName": "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", "packagesIncluded": "*info.puzz.*", //Specific to your app "packagesExcluded": "", "filesIncluded": "*.class", "filesExcluded": "*test-classes*", "recursive": true, "includeResources": true, "testStage": "Unit Tests", "labId": null, "executionType": "full", "logEnabled": true, "logDestination": "console", "logLevel": "error", "logFolder": "/tmp", "sealightsJvmParams": {}, "enabled": true }' > slmaven.json set +x echo "Downloading Sealights Latest Agent..." wget -nv unzip -o echo "Local agent version is now:" `cat sealights-java-version.txt` "\n" echo "Updating POM with Sealights..." java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -pom -configfile slmaven.json -workspacepath . ''' } } } stage('Build') { steps { // Run Maven with regular command sh "mvn clean package" } } } }