Surefire integration

Surefire integration

Overridden argLine

The below is handled automatically when using the automatic pom integration (Scanning Builds and Tests using SeaLights Maven plugin - Automatic configuration) with build scanner 2.0.1045 and up

By default the SeaLights Maven plugin sets the argLine used by Surefire to include the SealIghts test listener as a javaagent. If the Surefire argLine is overridden, then the SeaLights argLine will not be used and hence test information will not be captured.

For this, the SeaLights Maven plugin also generates a property called sealightsArgLine, which can be placed in the Surefire argLine for easy configuration.
Note: Using of @{sealightsArgLine} demands minimum surefire-plugin version 2.17

Here is a sample configuration for Surefire with the updated argLine at line 8:

      <argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx1024m @{sealightsArgLine}</argLine>

You can set an empty property called sealightsArgLine so that the build will not fail when the SeaLights maven plugin doesn't run


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