Generating a Trend Report (TGA Report over recent sprints)

If you need to retrieve TGA for several periods of time in a row you can reuse the following sample code

  • This shell script produces a CSV file aggregating several iterations of TGA reports

  • This shell script is written for linux and requires jq installed on your system

  • You must update lines 2-10 with relevant values from your Sealights account and configuration

#!/usr/bin/env bash DOMAIN="" SL_API_TOKEN="123" APP_NAME="MyApp" BRANCH_NAME="master" TeamName="Backend" Period_StartDate="2020-01-01" Report_Frequency="2 weeks" #For monthly reports use "1 month" Report_Iterations="6" ######## CSV_FILENAME="${APP_NAME// /_}-${BRANCH_NAME//[\/ ]/_}" TARGET_FOLDER="${APP_NAME// /_}" if [ ! -d $TARGET_FOLDER ]; then mkdir -p $TARGET_FOLDER; fi PERIOD_FROM=`date -d "${Period_StartDate}" +%s%3N` REPORT_MAX=`date +%s%3N` echo "Retrieving TGA Report details for $APP_NAME (Branch $BRANCH_NAME)" echo "> Report Start is ${Period_StartDate} to $PERIOD_FROM" echo "> Report Frequency is ${Report_Frequency} for ${Report_Iterations} iterations" if [ -z ${TeamName} ]; then echo "> No Group selected" CSV_FILENAME="${CSV_FILENAME}-NoGroup" CONFIG_ID=`curl -sX GET "https://$DOMAIN/sl-api/v1/tga/configs" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SL_API_TOKEN" \ -H "Accept: application/json" | jq -c --arg APP_PARAM "$APP_NAME" --arg BRANCH_PARAM "$BRANCH_NAME" \ '.data.configs[] | select( (.appName==$APP_PARAM ) and ( .branchName==$BRANCH_PARAM ) and ( .teamName==null ) )' | jq -r .configId` else echo "> Group $TeamName selected for the Report scope" CSV_FILENAME="${CSV_FILENAME}-${TeamName}" CONFIG_ID=`curl -sX GET "https://$DOMAIN/sl-api/v1/tga/configs" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SL_API_TOKEN" \ -H "Accept: application/json" | jq -c --arg APP_PARAM "$APP_NAME" --arg BRANCH_PARAM "$BRANCH_NAME" --arg TEAM_PARAM "$TeamName"\ '.data.configs[] | select( (.appName==$APP_PARAM ) and ( .branchName==$BRANCH_PARAM ) and ( .teamName==$TEAM_PARAM ) )' | jq -r .configId` fi NUM_OF_CONFIG=`echo "$CONFIG_ID" | wc -w ` if [ $NUM_OF_CONFIG != 1 ]; then echo "> $NUM_OF_CONFIG config(s) found for $APP_NAME / $BRANCH_NAME / $TeamName" echo "> Ending script." exit 1 fi echo "> Using configId $CONFIG_ID" echo #Preparing CSV file if [ "$Report_Frequency" = "1 month" ]; then CSV_FILENAME="${CSV_FILENAME}-Monthly" elif [ "$Report_Frequency" = "2 weeks" ]; then CSV_FILENAME="${CSV_FILENAME}-BiWeekly" fi CSV_FULLPATH_FILE="./$TARGET_FOLDER/$CSV_FILENAME-From_${Period_StartDate}" echo "Generating CSV report as $CSV_FULLPATH_FILE" #headers echo '"StartDate","EndDate","Name","overall/totalMethods","overall/uncoveredMethods","overall/coveredMethods","overall/coverage","modifiedCode/totalMethods","modifiedCode/uncoveredMethods","modifiedCode/coveredMethods","modifiedCode/coverage"'>$CSV_FULLPATH_FILE # Preparing variables for While loop REPORT_FROM=${PERIOD_FROM} REPORT_TO=`date -d "${Period_StartDate}+${Report_Frequency}" +%s%3N` i=1 while [ $i -le $Report_Iterations ] && [ $REPORT_FROM -lt $REPORT_MAX ]; do if [ $REPORT_TO -gt $REPORT_MAX ]; then echo "> Report cannot end in the future." REPORT_TO=$REPORT_MAX fi DATE_FROM=`date -d@"$((${REPORT_FROM}/1000))" +"%Y-%m-%d"` DATE_TO=`date -d@"$((${REPORT_TO}/1000))" +"%Y-%m-%d"` echo ">> Generate TGA iteration #$i from $DATE_FROM to $DATE_TO" LINK=`curl -sX GET "https://$DOMAIN/sl-api/v1/tga/reports/$CONFIG_ID/regenerate?periodFrom=$REPORT_FROM&periodTo=$REPORT_TO" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $SL_API_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" | jq '.data.statusLink'` STATUS="\"In Progress\"" while [[ $STATUS != "\"Ready\"" ]]; do echo "Current status ${STATUS}. Sleeping 30 sec..." sleep 30 echo -n "Checking report status..." REPORT_JSON=`curl -sX GET "https://$DOMAIN/sl-api/v1/tga/reports?configIds=$CONFIG_ID" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $SL_API_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json"` STATUS=`echo $REPORT_JSON | jq '.data.reports[0].status'` done echo "Report Status: Ready." #entire build echo $REPORT_JSON | jq --arg DateFrom $DATE_FROM --arg DateTo $DATE_TO -r \ '.data.reports[0].coverage.entireBuild | [$DateFrom,$DateTo,"EntireBuild",.overallCoverage.totalMethods,.overallCoverage.uncoveredMethods,.overallCoverage.coveredMethods,.overallCoverage.coverage,.modifiedCodeCoverage.totalMethods,.modifiedCodeCoverage.uncoveredMethods,.modifiedCodeCoverage.coveredMethods,.modifiedCodeCoverage.coverage] | @csv'>>$CSV_FULLPATH_FILE #stages echo $REPORT_JSON | jq --arg DateFrom $DATE_FROM --arg DateTo $DATE_TO -r \ '.data.reports[0].coverage.testStages[] | [$DateFrom,$DateTo,.name,.overallCoverage.totalMethods,.overallCoverage.uncoveredMethods,.overallCoverage.coveredMethods,.overallCoverage.coverage,.modifiedCodeCoverage.totalMethods,.modifiedCodeCoverage.uncoveredMethods,.modifiedCodeCoverage.coveredMethods,.modifiedCodeCoverage.coverage] | @csv'>>$CSV_FULLPATH_FILE echo "--" echo ((i+=1)) REPORT_FROM=$REPORT_TO REPORT_TO=`date -d "${DATE_TO}+${Report_Frequency}" +%s%3N` done mv $CSV_FULLPATH_FILE "${CSV_FULLPATH_FILE}_To_${DATE_TO}.csv" echo script completed exit 0

If running on Mac OS, the date command syntax is slightly different from regular Linux. Below is a Mac OS equivalent syntax for line 21 above.

PERIOD_FROM=`date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" "2020-01-01 00:00" +%s000`