Creating a JSON file listing the Integration Build's Components
Using the list of agents currently active in a specific environment
The script below retrieves the list of all the active instances of your application’s components from a specific environment and creates from it an Integration Build on Sealights Dashboard.
It provides a “picture” of the testing environment (Lab) at this given point in time.
This solution is aimed to illustrate the concept and is based on the following assumptions:
All the components are currently live in the specific environment, up and running as well as appearing in the Cockpit Agent Monitor page
No component is designed with a “lazy loading” mechanism bringing it when necessary (on-demand). This restriction applies to front-end components as well (since they’re actively reporting only when the application is opened on the client-side browser).
If one of the assumptions above is not valid in your configuration, it may end up with incorrect data.
SL_API_TOKEN=`cat sl_api_token.txt`
SL_AGENT_TOKEN=`cat sl_agent_token.txt`
#Retrieve the Sealights Generated LabID based on App and Environment name
SL_LABID=`curl -sX GET "https://$DOMAIN/sl-api/v1/lab-ids?appName=$INTEGRATION_BUILD_NAME&branchName=$QA_ENV&buildType=integration" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $SL_API_TOKEN" -H "accept: application/json" | jq --raw-output .data.labIds[0].labId`
echo "Sealights' LabID is $SL_LABID"
#Prepare list of microservices in environment
curl -sX GET "https://$DOMAIN/sl-api/v1/agents/live" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SL_API_TOKEN" -H "accept: application/json">liveagents.txt
cat liveagents.txt | jq -c --arg LABID_PARAM $SL_LABID '.data[] | select(.labId==$LABID_PARAM and .type=="TestListener")' | jq -s 'group_by(.bsid)[] | {appName: .[0].appName, branch: .[0].branchName, build: .[0].buildName}' | jq -s>sl-integration-components.json
echo "List of components generated for the $INTEGRATION_BUILD_NAME on $QA_ENV"
cat sl-integration-components.json
#Download the java agent if not installed already
if [ ! -f "" ]; then
echo "Downloading Sealights Agent..."
wget -nv
unzip -oq
echo "Local agent version is now:" `cat sealights-java-version.txt`
#Report new Integration Build to SL ("Picture" of ms deployed in the environment)
echo "Reporting new version of $INTEGRATION_BUILD_NAME (for $QA_ENV) to Sealights"
java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -config -token $SL_AGENT_TOKEN -appname $INTEGRATION_BUILD_NAME -branchname $QA_ENV -buildname `date +"%y%m%d_%H%M"` -pi "**" -buildsessionidfile integrationBSID.txt
java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -scan -token $SL_AGENT_TOKEN -buildsessionidfile integrationBSID.txt -componentfile sl-integration-components.json
echo Script is complete: $QA_ENV can be tested.
Sample script for a Jenkins Pipeline job
Jenkins Pipeline scripts support readJSON
and writeJSON
and the sample code below allows you to create a JSON file for integration build declaration.
Plugin Pipeline Utility Steps Plugin needs to be installed on your Jenkins instance
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage ("Creating JSON") {
steps {
def sldata = readJSON text: '[{ "component_name": "frontend", "buildSessionId": "123" },{ "component_name": "backend", "buildSessionId": "456" }]'
writeJSON(file: 'sl-ib-components.json', json: sldata )