SeaLights .NET Core agent - Scanning the build binaries

The SeaLights .NET agent can scan the binaries after the build process to gather the build structure.

Generating a session ID

Before running the build scan and tests, you need to create a session ID. The session ID is provided for each step to link them together as one complete cycle

SL.DotNet config --appName "myApp" --branchName "master" --buildName $BUILD_VERSION --includeNamespace myNameSpace.* --buildSessionIdFile buildSessionId.txt --identifyMethodsByFqn

The buildName parameter above should reflect a meaningful versioning of your service or application.
In some cases, you can use timestamps as well, via commands like `date +"%y%m%d_%H%M"` (Linux) or $(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmm") (Powershell)

Scanning the binaries

Run the scan of your binaries using the SeaLights agent with the following command:

SL.DotNet scan --buildSessionIdFile buildSessionId.txt --workspacePath c:\path\to\binaries --ignoreGeneratedCode true

The workspacePath folder must contain all the project’s PDB files.

See 'SeaLights .NET - command reference' for full parameter details