How to create an environment and add code coverage to this environment?

In order to add code coverage to your build you need to perform the following steps:

Setup the build scanner

depending on the architecture follow one of the below to set up the test scanner:

Java using Gradle

Setting up the test listener as a Java Agent on your application server

Running the tests is done by using the same steps as in the build scanner

Java using JMeter

Setting up the test listener as a Java Agent on your application server

Running the tests is done by using the same steps as in the build scanner

Java Command line

Setting up the test listener as a Java Agent on your application server

Run the tests using the test listener to start and end the stage

Node.js with the Mocha test Framework

If running functional tests, run your backend server using the SeaLights agent

Run the tests using the mocha option of the test listener

Node.js command line

If running functional tests, run your backend server using the SeaLights agent

Run the tests using the TAP based commands to start and end the stage