Managing Test Stages in Sealights
What are test stages
Sealights captures code coverage and tests information in Test Stages. For instance Integration Tests, Regression Tests, Functinoa Tests etc.
Test Stage names are determined by the configuration provided to the agent/api when starting one and can be anything the user wants.
The name has no affect on the performance of Sealights and are there for identification and reporting purposes.
You should always maintain the same Test Stage name for the same set of tests to maintain the continuity of reporting and functionality over time
A single Test Stage can be open for a given lab ID (environment under test) at any given time
If a Test Stage is opened against a lab ID while another one is already open, the first one will be closed automatically
To have multiple Tests Stages open in parallel, you need to have them running against separate lab ID’s
Methods to Open Test Stages
Use an integrated agent on a supported test runner. See the various agents integrations for more details
Using the Start/End CLI commands provided by each agent. See the various agents documentaion for more details
Using the Sealights Test Sessions API’s. See Sealights Public API's documentation form more details
Using the Chrome Extension
Setting up a Continuous Test Stage (CTS)
Continuous Test Stage (CTS)
The Continuous Test Stage is a System configured Test Stage which will remain open indefinably and will move from one build to the next automatically having coverage linked to the latest reported build.
New builds will be created as agents come up with the lab ID associated to it
Coverage will be calculated automatically every 15 minutes
Tests can still be reported to the same Test Stage for TIA purposes, but need to be reported under the exact same Test Stage name
You cannot open a different Test Stage against the CTS lab ID
Key Benefits of CTS
Continuously capturing Coverage: Coverage data is captured around the clock, ensuring comprehensive visibility across all testing activities. This is especially beneficial for capturing Manual Tests
Automated Reporting: No need for additional configuration and setup whic means less resources needed to be involved in the configurations
How to enable CTS
Submit a Ticket to the SeaLights Support Team with the lab ID and Test Stage name