Running test listener with SoapUI
In order to capture code coverage information from tests run with SoapUI, you need to run it with our test listener as a Java agent. The listener needs to be placed alongside the SoapUI installation and added to the JVP parameter using the -javaagent
parameter together with its required parameters.
Below, two samples of different options to run Sealights Test Listener with SoapUI
Command line
java -classpath <soapui.classpath> -javaagent:/path/to/sl-test-listener.jar -Dsl.tokenFile=/path/to/sltoken.txt -Dsl.buildSessionIdFile=buildSessionId.txt [-Dsl.labId=labID] -Dsl.testStage="Integration Tests" <tests-configuration>
As SoapUI is run sometimes with Maven, then this can also be achieved by adding us as a javaagent in the exec-maven-plugin configuration
For example:
<argument>-Dsl.testStage=Integration Tests</argument>
Sealights does not integrate with soapui-maven-plugin
See 'Java Command Reference - Installing test listener as Java Agent' for full parameter details