SeaLights Jenkins plugin - Running Tests using the SeaLights CLI
SeaLights Jenkins plugin - Running Tests using the SeaLights CLI
First install and set up the Jenkins plugin, See 'SeaLights Jenkins plugin - Installation and setup' for details
Starting your tests
- Open your job
- In the Build section, click Add build step, and select SeaLights CLI
- In the Action field, select Step 1 - Start Test Execution
- Enter the Build Session Id. Usually ${SL_BUILD_SESSION_ID}
- Enter the Test Stage name
Running your tests - Functional Tests
Before running your functional tests you need to set up the backend server to receive the test footprints. See 'Using Java Agents - Installing Test Listener as Java Agent'
Once set up you now run your tests normally while generating one or more JUnit xml result files to be reported to the SeaLights server.
Uploading your test results
- In the Build section, click Add build step, and select SeaLights CLI
- In the Action field, select Step 2 - Upload Report
- Enter the Build Session Id. Usually ${SL_BUILD_SESSION_ID}
- Provide the list of Report Files or Report Folders to upload
Ending your tests
- Open your job
- In the Build section, click Add build step, and select SeaLights CLI
- In the Action field, select Step 3 - End Test Execution
- Enter the Build Session Id. Usually ${SL_BUILD_SESSION_ID}