SeaLights ADO Extension - Setting up the Build scan and Unit Tests

SeaLights ADO Extension - Setting up the Build scan and Unit Tests

Adding Sealights steps to your project

  • In the Build & Release section of your project, go into Edit


  • Click Add tasks... Either under All or Build you will find three SeaLights build steps:

    • SeaLights Prepare for Build

    • SeaLights Start Test Execution

    • SeaLights End Test Execution

  • Add these three to your build process. It should look like the image below:

As SeaLights is using the compilation method's bytecode signature (Hash ID) to generate a unique identifier for each method, it is important NOT to recompile the application between the scan command and the deployment. The scanned build's artifact (DLL, EXE) MUST be from the exact same compilation as the one deployed.

Configuring relevant parameters in the steps

  • Place the SeaLights Prepare for Build before your Build solution step and fill in the parameters:

    • SeaLights settings

      • Include Namespaces - A comma-separated, key-sensitive list containing the namespaces you want to include in your build scan 

      • Token - Enter an Agent token acquired from the SeaLights dashboard

  • Include Namespaces - A comma-separated, key-sensitive list containing the namespaces you want to include in your build scan

  • Exclude Namespaces - A comma-separated, key-sensitive list containing the namespaces you want to exclude in your build scan

  • Solution - Specify which solution file to work with

  • Save Build Session Id to file - Enter the location you want to save the build session ID file which will be used for later steps

  • Token - The token as copied from the SeaLights dashboard

  • App name - Name of the application to be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard

  • Branch name - Name of the branch to be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard

  • Build name - Name of the build to be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard. This must change per build

  • Excluded projects

    • Excluded projects - A comma-separated list containing the projects you want to exclude in your build scan 

    • Automatically exclude projects that are detected as test projects - Check this for the SeaLights to automatically exclude projects containing tests

  • Sealights settings

    • Token - Enter an Agent token acquired from the SeaLights dashboard

    • SeaLights Tools Path - By default, the extension downloads the latest agent. You can override this with a local version by specifying the path to it here

    • Enable Log - Check this to enable printing log information

    • Ignore certificate errors - Check this to work around certificate issues

    • Specify build session Id - Enter here a unique build session ID instead of SeaLights generating one for you. It must be unique per app, branch & build

  • Build settings

    • Ignore generated code - Check this to ignore compiler-generated code like getters/setters and constructors

    • Debug build scan - Check this to generate extra debug information

    • MSBuild version - Select which MSBuild version you have (14 or 15)

    • Emit MSBuild version - Check this if you encounter Error MSB4025 during the build process


  • Place the SeaLights Start Test Execution before your Test Assemblies step

    • Update the Test process architecture according to the architecture of your tested code