When reporting a build to Sealights via Maven from the command line, you need to provide a different build name each time you create a new Build Session ID. Instead of updating manually your pom.xml or the JSON configuration file, you have several ways to dynamically update the Build Name parameter passed to Sealights.
Maven Parameter from Command line to Sealight plugin
When using a variable in the Maven configuration (JSON or pom.xml), you can override its value via -D flag in the command line
Sample of JSON configuration file
{ ... "buildName": "${BUILD_NUMBER}", ... }
you'll have to initiate the build via a command similar to
mvn clean install -Psealights -DBUILD_NUMBER=3
In order to use a timestamp to report the build to Sealights, please prefer to use for example -DBUILD_NUMBER=`date +"%y%m%d_%H%M"`
Using a timestamp variable in pom.xml