If you do not work with github or cannot provide access to the source folder where the git logs are located, you can generate them on your own and upload them seperatly to the SeaLights servers.
Generating the commit reports
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | Eclipse |
title | Sample command |
git log --pretty=format:'{"commit": "%H","authorName": "%an","authorEmail": "%ae","commiterName": "%cn","commiterEmail": "%ce","authorDate": "%at000","commiterDate": "%ct000","title": "%f"}' |
Upload git generated commit log reports
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | Eclipse |
title | Sample command for a single file |
java -jar sl-test-listener.jar uploadReports -tokenfile "/path/to/tokenFile" -buildsessionidfile "/path/to/buildSessionId.txt" -reportFile "/path/to/git_commit.xml" -type "commitLog" -source "script" |