Get a binary artifact that was created before the QR was reported (ideally, the reference build)
Get a recent artifact that has a QR on an unmodified code (ideally, the latest build)
Download a Decompiler tool called ILSpy (open source, MIT license, free) from
Open the tool and drag the (1) to it, then locate a method that was reported as QR. Its contents will be visible on the right column. In the toolbar change the language from C# (default) to IL, and make note of the result (better - save it to a file)
Do the same for (2), and compare the results.
We expect (4) and (5) to differ, we just don't have enough information to tell why that change occurred. If they do differ - this is the root cause and it has nothing to do with SeaLights, although we MAY be able to handle this quietly in the future.
If (4) and (5) are the same, only engineering will be able to look into that, but there is an extremely low chance for that