Tutorial - Reporting an Integration Build of 3 components
The following steps define how to report an integration build from 3 components: two backends (Java & .NET) and a front end (JavaScript).
Below is an architecture diagram of the use case described in this tutorial
Step 0 - Define a common LabID
The Sealights' LabID is a string that identifies the testing environment. Normally, this string is generated in the dashboard under the Settings > Integration Build Labs:
In the current example (our tutorial), the LabID used will be QA-ENV1.
Note: The ability to add the Integration Build Lab identifier will be available only after completing Step 2 in this walkthrough
Step 1 - Build, Report and Deploy the components one-by-one
Component-1 - Back end, Java (Tomcat)
Build and Report Component #1 to the Sealights dashboard
java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -config -appname Component-1 -branchname tutorial/master -buildname 1.0.0 -pi *com.example.* java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -scan -tokenfile .../sltoken.txt -buildsessionid=<Component-1 BSID> -workspacepath "..." -fi "*.class,*.jar" -r
Deploy Component #1: In the JVM arguments, specify a Lab ID parameter (QA-ENV1).
JAVA_OPTS=-javaagent:sl-test-listener.jar -Dsl.labId=QA-ENV1 -Dsl.buildSessionId=<Component-1 BSID> -Dsl.tokenFile=sltoken.txt
Component-2 - Back end, .NET (IIS)
Build and Report Component #2 to the Sealights dashboard: