Reporting an Integration Build to Sealights

Reporting an Integration Build to Sealights

General information

  • An integration build is a way to create a version representing several different components. Each integration build version is actually a list of component versions, one per application/branch

  • Integration build versions are compared over time to understand the modifications between deployments

  • When comparing an integration build version with another integration build version each component/branch build is compared to the build for the same component/branch in the previous integration build version

Wrong implementation of integration-build can lead to several errors:

  • Dependency on previous integration build is on a different branch

    • This error means that there are integration build versions with builds coming from different branches under the same component

    • This usually means that a deployment was done from a different branch for the same component

    • The outcome of this issue is that all the methods in the app will be marked as added and deleted causing more changes than actually occurred

  • Dependency on previous integration build is newer

    • This error means that when looking at the integration build versions over time an older integration build version had at least one component/branch build that is newer than a build for the same component/branch in a newer integration build version

    • This usually means that there is a rollback mechanism in place that deploys an older version instead of creating a new version representing the version

    • The outcome of this issue is that no contributors are calculated for this change

Automated reporting

  • An integration lab can configured with the ‘Automatic Build’ option. Doing so will create a new version of the integration build every time a new or updated component is reported to Sealights with its lab ID

  • An integration lab can with the ‘CD Only’ option. Doing so will create a new version of the integration build when a Test Stage is opened against its Lab ID and at least one of the components reporting with its Lab ID is new or updated

Manual Reporting

You can refer to our Tutorial Page for a detailed explanation and to the relevant pages for commands required to report your Integration Build to Sealights dashboard:


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