- Application ready to integrate SeaLights with
- Test stages that can be run against the application ready to integrate SeaLights with
- Connectivity validated to the SeaLights dashboard from every machine that our agent will be installed on and reporting from
Recommended command for validating connectivity is:
- Ability to download one or more of the following according to the setup:
- SeaLights Java agent from: Downloading the java agent files
- SeaLights Maven plugin from maven central or local maven repo
- SeaLights Gradle plugin from maven central or local maven repo
- SeaLights Jenkins plugin - Installation and setup - For Maven built by Jenkins Freestyle jobs
- Knowledge and ability to configure the JVM arguments of the application servers
- Npm & Node installed on any machine that will be running the sealights agent: Downloading the Node.js agent file
- Sealights node agent installed on any machine that will be running the sealights agent: Downloading the Node.js agent file
- For unit tests coverage - The ability to generate the coverage-final.json (NYC json coverage report)
Client Side JS
- Same as Node JS
- Source maps of ‘original source’ quality:
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 installed on any machine coverage will be captured on:
- The 32bit version is:
- The 64bit version is:
- Knowledge of the architecture that the processes coverage will be captured from are running in (32 or 64 bit)
- (If needed) Ability to download and run the Microsoft Process Explorer on machines that report coverage from for debugging purposes.