Onboarding Pre-Requisites


  • Application ready to integrate SeaLights with is identified

  • Test stages that can be run against the application ready to integrate SeaLights with

  • Relevant project members with proper permission set are identified and allocated


  • Connectivity validated to the SeaLights dashboard from every machine that our agent will be installed on and reporting from

    • Outbound connections to sealights.co domain on port 443 (TLS v1.2/1.3) are required via your firewall or a proxy

  • Recommended command for validating connectivity is: curl -I https://<YourCustomerDomain>.sealights.co

    • Returned code must be HTTP Code OK (200)

    • If you don’t have yet a dedicated customer domain, you have the ability to use one of our generic URLs for validation curl -I https://app.sealights.co


  • Ability to download one or more of the following according to the setup:

  • Knowledge and ability to configure the JVM arguments of the application servers

NodeJS and Client-Side JS
