Quality Analytics

Quality Analytics

This feature is available only to customers who have provided consent to the usage of SnowFlake database. To learn more please contact Customer Success.

This feature is available only to customers who have provided consent to the usage of SnowFlake database. To learn more please contact Customer Success.


Quality Analytics is where you can get visibility on your software quality over time, understand the business impact and build the right data-based quality testing strategy.
Using this feature, you can analyze what affects your quality the most, what is the impact of your different test stages, how your quality trend looks like, where your quality pain points are and more.

Watch a short video to learn more on Quality Analytics

Main Feature Capabilities

  • Currently we are offering two report types:

    • Coverage trend report - allows you to track a single app (whether a single micro-service or a monolith app) coverage over time and over different test stages.

    • Group coverage trend report - allows you to track your team’s or product’s multiple apps together in one report over time.

  • Under the Quality Analytics main tab you will find the available reports list, including chart trend previews to allow you to easily view trends across your organization and products reports.

  • Each report has dynamic UX, including advanced chart elements like number of methods to asses the scope of the change that was made, or all vs. selected test stages trend lines which allow you to asses the contribution of different test stages to the overall coverage.

  • SeaLights provides automatic insights to your reports to help you identify risks more quickly. Our first insight indicates where large modification occurred but got insufficient coverage.

  • Each report can be shared by clicking on the “Copy URL” option, or by publishing the report as a public report available to all users.

  • Prefer automation and integrating reports to your internal dashboards? Use our Public API to generate a report and receive the URL to it.



First Time Experience

When you first enter the Quality Analytics page, you will see an empty list of saved reports, or public reports that were already created.


The Coverage Trend Report is the first report type available under Quality Analytics. It displays app code coverage over time.

The second report type, that can be selected from the left pane of the reports list, is the Group Trend Report.


Got questions? Visit our Quality Analytics FAQ page.

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