Contact Sealights Support

Contact Sealights Support

Get in touch with Sealights Customer Support using one of the following channels:

When requesting technical assistance from Sealights Support Team, please make sure you’re providing us enough information to help you in the most effective manner:

  1. Technical details of the App, Branch and Build names

  2. Detailed steps to reproduce (including scripts/commands calling Sealights agents, plugins or APIs)

  3. Direct links and/or screenshots illustrating the issue from Sealights Dashboard's screens

  4. Console Output / Logs (potentially in verbose mode)

  5. A description of the expected versus the actual behavior.

If you need to attach a large file (logs, video recording…) to your ticket, please refer to the following instructions: Attach a file to a ticket

Option 1: Open a Ticket from your Sealights dashboard

Open a Ticket from the main Sealights dashboard using the Support button on the right side of the screen as shown below, and complete the submission form providing as many details about the issue as possible (as described above).

Option 2: Send us an email

Send us an email providing as many details about the issue as possible (as described in the “top note” above) via our dedicated support e-mail address

Option 3: Raise a Support Request via our Service Desk Platform

Access your account via the dedicated link in the dashboard (or via a favorite link saved in your browser) and raise the Customer Support request and complete the form providing as many details about the issue as possible (as described in the “top note” above).

Your Service Desk access credentials are not necessarily aligned with your Sealights dashboard access. Those have two different credential systems.





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