WebSphere - Error 404 (Page Not found) when enabling Sealights
When using the SeaLights test listener as a javaagent in WebSphere, it fails to open some application pages and returns an Error 404 (Page not found).
When disabling the Sealights agent, everything works fine.
Cause A: Insufficient Memory
When the 404 error pages appear with increasing frequency in more and more functional areas, it is often due to insufficient memory allocated to the Websphere configuration when the Sealights Agent is added.
Increasing the memory allocated resolves the issue.
Cause B: Failing to create a Secured connection
When the application fails to open a secure connection to access some pages, Websphere may redirect users to the 404 Error page and Security-related failures will appear in the logs.
Fixing the Java security configuration resolves the issue.