SeaLights Jenkins Plugin - Config Parameters
SeaLights Jenkins Plugin - Config Parameters
SeaLights Jenkins Plugin Global Configuration
- Token - The token created on the SeaLights dashboard which provides the access credentials for all the jobs, see Generating an Agent token
- Customer Id & SeaLights Server - Depricated parameters for backward compatibility. If you have this defined, please fill in a token and remove their configurations
- Proxy Url (Optional) - Address of the proxy server to connect to the SeaLights server through (if needed)
- Files Storage Folder - Location for the SeaLights agents to store temporary files, leave blank to use the default temp folder
- 'Tools' folder path on Master Jenkins - Absolute path to the Jenkins 'tools' folder on the master Jenkins node. By default '/var/lib/jenkins/tools'
SeaLights CLI
- Enable This Step - Check box to allow you to disable a step without deleting it. When marked the step will be performed
- Fail the build if this step fails - Check box to allow you to choose if the job will fail or not if this step fails
- Action - Choose the CLI action to perform:
- Config - Create build session data - Creates a build session ID from the parameters provided
- Monitored application Packages - Comma-separated list of packages to include in scan
- Unmonitored Application Packages - Comma-separated list of packages to exclude in scan
- Sealights... - Press to open sub tab with additional SeaLights parameters. See Sealights... - sub tab
- Send external report - Placeholder for future functionality
- Step 1 - Start Test Execution - Sends a start event to the SeaLights server notifying that a test stage has started
- Test Stage - Name of the test stageas will be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard
- Sealights... - Press to open sub tab with additional SeaLights parameters. See Sealights... - sub tab
- Step 2 - Upload Report - Upload test result files to the SeaLights server. Supports only JUnit.xml format files
- Report Files - Comma separated list of files to be uploaded
- Reports Folders - Comma separated list of folders that contains reports and only reports (All files in folder will be uploaded)
- Has more requests - Check box to allow you to notify the SeaLights server if to expect more details or to end the test stage. If not set then it will end the test stage after uploading
- Source - Name of the reports provider (Example: Junit xml report)
- Sealights... - Press to open sub tab with additional SeaLights parameters. See Sealights... - sub tab
- Step 3 - End Test Execution - Sends an end event to the SeaLights server notifying that a test stage has ended
- Sealights... - Press to open sub tab with additional SeaLights parameters. See Sealights... - sub tab
- Config - Create build session data - Creates a build session ID from the parameters provided
Sealights... - sub tab
- Build Session Id -
- For the config it is an optional user provided session ID, will link the build parameters to this ID without generating one for your build. It must be unique from other builds.
- For the rest of the steps it is the build session ID used in the Config step. (Usually ${SL_BUILD_SESSION_ID} )
- App Name - Name of the application as will be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard. This is only needed in the Config step or to override the saved build name
- Lab Id - Unique ID for a set of test labs in case multiple labs are running similtaniously (Not used for the Config step)
- Branch Name - The source branch of the application as will be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard. This is only needed in the Config step or to override the saved build name
- Build Name - The build label of the current build as will be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard. This is only needed in the Config step or to override the saved build name
- Leave build name field empty. - Do not provide a build name, this is what should be set for all the steps besides the config step
- Report on latest build. - Notifies the SeaLights server to use the latest build scan reported. For backward compatibility only
- Specify a custom build name. (Allows passing expressions) - User provided build name
- Build Name - Free text to provide the build number, (usually ${BUILD_NUMBER} )
- Use the job name from Jenkins (by default, an auto-incrementing number) - Equivalent to passing the ${BUILD_NUMBER} alone
- Use the name from an upstream Jenkins job. - Take the ${BUILD_NUMBER} from one of the upstream jobs
- Project Name - The name of the upstream Job to take the build name from
- Advanced... - Press to open sub tab with additional (Advanced) Arguments to pass to the config step
- Additional Arguments - Section to provide additional parameters if needed usually to override the global parameters. See the field help ( ) in Jenkins for more details
SeaLights Jenkins Plugin 'Invoke top-level Maven targets with SeaLights Continuous Testing' Build Step
- Maven Version - The Maven version that you are using to run the maven build (mvn).
- Action - Choose which action to take from this list:
- Invoke top-level Maven targets with SeaLights continuous testing. (for Freestyles jobs)
- Disable this build step - FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY.
- Integrate SeaLights into POM files. Requires adding a 'SeaLights Continuous Testing - Cleanup' build step. (for Maven jobs)
- Invoke top-level Maven targets (SeaLights is disabled) - FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES ONLY.
- Build Session Id - Your build session ID to use.
- Files Included - Files to include in the SeaLights analysis. Supports wildcards (* = any string, ? = any character).
- Files Excluded - Files to exclude from the SeaLights analysis. Supports wildcards (* = any string, ? = any character).
- Test Stage - Default is Unit Tests.
- Lab Id - Optional lab ID to sync up with another java agent using the same lab ID
- Project's Output Folder - Path to a project output folder (e.g. target/classes).
- Recursive search on folders tree - When this option is selected, the Build Scanner will also scan files in the Workspace Path folder tree.
- SeaLights Additional configuration file - For advanced configuration.
- Excluded class loaders - Comma separated list of class loaders to be excluded from the build. Use the full class loader package name (e.g. com.example.package.SomeClassLoader).
- Module Name - The module name.
- Restore Build File Automatically - When this option is selected, SeaLights will automatically try to restore the build file. See the 'help' for more information.
- Additional Arguments - Field to provide additional arguments if needed
- Include sealights resources - Pack the token and session ID in the created artifact
Logs - (SUB TAB)
- Log Level - Select the desired log level.
- Logging Destination - The logging destination.
- Logs folder - The path where the logs will be saved.
SeaLights Jenkins Plugin 'SeaLights - Restore Build File' Build Step
- Restore Build File - If selected, attempt to restore the build file to a version without the SeaLights Jenkins plugin.
- Folders - Comma separated list of root folders that contains the build files.
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