Sealights Ruby Agent - Running Tests
Sealights Ruby Agent - Running Tests
Integrating Sealights into testing files
The integration of the Sealights is done by adding a require
statement of our agent to the testing files as follows:
require 'sealights-rspec-agent'
The Sealights Ruby Agent read the following environment variables.
Environment variable | Description |
SL_TOKEN_FILE_PATH or SL_TOKEN | Set with a token or a file containing the token obtained from the SeaLights dashboard |
SL_BUILD_SESSION_ID_PATH or SL_BUILD_SESSION_ID | Set with a build session id or a file containing the build session id created by the config step |
SL_TEST_STAGE | Set the name of the test stage as will be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard |
For example:
export SL_TOKEN_FILE_PATH=sltoken.txt
export SL_BUILD_SESSION_ID_PATH=buildSessionId.txt
export SL_TEST_STAGE="Functional Tests"
Test names
Due to limitations, the following characters will be substituted when passed to Sealights:
Allowed in RSpec test names | Substituted by |
. (dot) | _ (underscore) |
/ (slash) | # (hash) |