Using Java Agents - Running Tests in Parallel (Lab Id)

Using Java Agents - Running Tests in Parallel (Lab Id)

The Lab ID groups two or more instances of the Test Listener as running under the same environment, for the same application:

For proper configuration that will allow parallel testing, the following MUST be configured under the same Lab ID:

  1. The application under test which runs with the Test Listener configured as a Java Agent

  2. The test runner(s) which starts and ends the Test Stage (see diagram)

The following example contains the configuration relevant to the QA-1 Lab, which appears in the diagram as the instance displayed on the far-left hand side:

//Lab ID implemented on the application server JVM: -javaagent:/path/to/sl-test-listener.jar -Dsl.tags=backend -Dsl.tokenFile=/path/to/sltoken.txt -Dsl.buildSessionIdFile=buildSessionId.txt -Dsl.labId=QA-1 //Lab ID implemented in the Test Stage start/end commands: java -jar sl-test-listener.jar start -tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt -buildsessionidfile buildSessionId.txt -testStage "Functional Tests" -labid QA-1 // <Run your tests in between these two commands> java -jar sl-test-listener.jar end -tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt -buildsessionidfile buildSessionId.txt -labid QA-1


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