Downloading the Legacy .NET agent files
Agent Files
See 'Generating an Agent token' for instructions on how to generate a token
Download them from:
There are two folders: one for 32-bit and the other for 64-bit architectures.
You should use the agent from the correct folder depending on architecture of the application you want to gather coverage from.Place the sltoken.txt file, downloaded from the SeaLights dashboard, in both the x64 and x86 folders.
The agent will use it automatically and then you will not need to provide this in the command line options.
It is recommended to extract them in a folders without the version number, so that if in the future you update the agent, you will not need to change you build scripts
Sample commands for download
The sample Powershell commands below retrieve the version you have defined in your settings and expand it locally.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$global:ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" #Disable Progress bar to speed up download and expand
$sldomain="" #Update with your customer domain
$slToken="$(Get-Content sltoken.txt)" #Prefer a credential Environment variable for the token
Write-Output "Retrieve version from Sealights settings..."
$slHeader=@{'Accept'='application/json'; 'Authorization'="Bearer $slToken"}
$agentversion = ((iwr -Uri https://$sldomain/api/v2/agents/dotnet/recommended -UseBasicParsing -Headers $slHeader).Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object agent).agent.version
Write-Output "Download Sealights DotNet agent..."
iwr -OutFile -UseBasicParsing -Uri$
Write-Output "Expanding downloaded archive..."
Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath SL.DotNet -Force
Write-Output "Sealights agent version used is: $(Get-Content .\SL.DotNet\version.txt)"
You can deploy the token file to the x86 and x64 folder automatically via a command like:Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path .\SL.DotNet\ | Foreach-Object { $slagenttoken | Out-File -NoNewline -Force (Join-Path $_.FullName "sltoken.txt") }
Please refer to the following troubleshooting page to manage/update agents versions deployed locally:
Depending on how you downloaded and copied the agents, they might get blocked by Windows OS.
To unblock them, right click both the SL.DotNet.exe
files (x86 & x64) and check the Unblock check box in the security section
For more info see: