Running Manual tests with our Chrome Extension

Running Manual tests with our Chrome Extension

Download and install the SeaLights Chrome extension:

  1. Open the the following link in chrome: click here.

  2. Press the + ADD TO CHROME button

  3. A dialog verifying you want to add the extension will be displayed. Press Add extension to proceed.

  4. After the extension is added, you should see a SL icon in the corner 

Configure the extension:

  1. Press the SL icon 

  2. Click on the Options button () on the top right corner and select the Manage Token
  3. Enter a Custom Integration Token in the Token field.
    See Generating a Browser token for details on creating one.

  4. Click on Save twice (validate you saw 'Options Saved')
  5. All is set! You can now close this tab.

Running Manual tests

  1. Browse to the web page you will be testing (If testing an external app, then just browse to any http/https page)
  2. Press on the SL Icon
  3. Press on Start Manual Test

  4. If you have not previously provided an integration token, you will now be required to do so. 
  5. Click Next, Read the Usage Instructions and then click Got it
  6. In the Application details, select the application that was reported to the SeaLights dashboard and the version that is currently installed on your test server that you will be testing


  7. In the Test Details, enter the Test Suite and the Test Name

  8. In the User Details, fill in your Name and E-Mail

  9. Press Save button when you're ready to start testing

  10. The extension will minimize and allow you to perform the steps of your test

  11. When your are done press the STOP (■)  button.

    • Please notice you can pause (▐ ▌) and resume (►) your test execution at any time using the relevant button

  12. Select PassedFailed or Cancel Test depending on the outcome of your tests and then press Submit to update SeaLights with the results

  13. A confirmation page will appear 
    • If you have another test, then click on Start New, or select Done when you are finished
    • If you started another test you will be returned to the New Manual Test page as performed from step 6

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