Using Python Agent - AWS Lambda Support

Using Python Agent - AWS Lambda Support



As from version 1.4.0 Sealights python agent supports AWS lambda functions.


Support Model

Sealights Lambda Support Model

Pre Requisites

AWS lambda functions are small and short pieces of code that is invoked by calling to an http endpoint.

In order to support coverage monitoring by Sealights agent here are the pre-requisties:

  1. Sealights Python Agent version 1.4.0 and above

  2. Sealights Collector version 0.18.0 and above

  3. Additional step on the pipeline sequence to configure the lambda support

  4. Changes to AWS deployment manifest ( See below for full end-end example)


How Sealights Lambda Support Works


The support of AWS lambda functions is handled by a lambda internal layer (sealights_layer) that is installed during the pipeline steps (more on that step is below) and intercepting the original lambda handler.
Here is the flow when the lambda function is invoked:

Step 1 - Execution of setup code

Within the sealights_layer code, there's a setup file that runs during the initialization of the lambda function.

The setup file operates as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 import os args = os.sys.argv[1:] orig_name = os.environ.get('_HANDLER', '') # Getting the original handler name os.environ['_HANDLER'] = 'wrapper.lambda_handler' # Setting the wrapper as the handler os.environ['ORIG_NAME'] = orig_name # Setting the original handler name as an environment variable os.system(" ".join(args)) # Calling the original handler - Start the runtime

This code intercepts the original lambda handler name and replaces it with the Sealights lambda handler.

Step 2 - Invoking the Sealights Lambda Handler

Once the setup and initialization are complete, the AWS backend calls the Sealights lambda handler, which then loads and begins processing the request.

Step 3 - Loading sl_lambda_config.json

As part of the configuration process, a configuration file essential for processing the footprints is saved to the root of the original lambda directory. This file is later loaded for use. If, for any reason, this configuration file is not found, fails to load, or is invalid, a message will be printed to the log. However, the lambda will continue to execute normally without interruptions.

Step 4 - Initiating Coverage

After loading the configuration, the code initiates coverage monitoring and saves all coverage data to a temporary file.

Step 5 - Invoking the Original Lambda Function

Once coverage monitoring has started, the code invokes and retrieves the original lambda's response.

Test Duration Requirement
Please note that tests must run for a minimum of 1s for SeaLights to calculate coverage. If your test duration is under 1s, adding a brief pause to your test will allow SeaLights to complete the coverage sampling process.

Step 6 - Terminating Coverage

After the original lambda function has completed and provided a response, coverage monitoring is halted. The data is then processed into a Footprint data JSON, making it ready for transmission to the collector.

Step 7 - Transmitting Footprints to the Collector

At this juncture, a brief HTTP POST request is made to the collector, sending the footprint model.

Step 8 - Returning the Response

Following the communication with the collector, the original lambda handler's response is relayed back to the AWS backend.



There are two steps needed to be done in order to add support of Sealights agent to existing lambda code.

  1. Use the new sl-python command ‘configlambda’ after the scan and before the deployment.

  2. Change deployment manifest to includes the support of Sealights lambda layer


Running sl-python configlambda command

The sl-python configlambda has 3 additional flags to the general flags such as as token and bsid.












Set the location of all lambda functions root dir

List of paths

Yes, at least one path is required



Set the address of the collector URL

a valid URL

No, but if not set by ENV Var the footprints will not be set



Set the path of saving the sealights_layer

a valid dir

No, but if not set a sealights_layer will be saved


Alternatively to exporting the layer, you can use the public layers in aws:


This json file contains the agent config parameter's that needed to be sent in each footprint.

This file MUST be present at the root of the lambda folder in order to be loaded when the Sealights lambda handler is invoked

Deployment Manifest Changes

There are two main changes that need to be done to the deployment manifest:

  1. Adding Sealights Lambda layer - contains the code of the sealights lambda support

  2. Add reference to Sealights Lambda Layer on every Lambda function definition.



.... Resources: ### Adding Sealights Lambda Layer SealightsLayer: Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion Properties: LayerName: sealights_layer Description: Layer for managing code coverage ContentUri: sealights_layer/ CompatibleRuntimes: - python3.11 ### End of Sealights Lambda Layer Function1: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: function_1/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.11 ### Start of Ref to Sealights Layer Support Layers: - !Ref SealightsLayer Environment: Variables: AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: /opt/sealights-extension ### End of Ref to Sealights Layer Support Events: HelloWorld: Type: Api Properties: Path: /function1 Method: get .....


Important Notes:

  1. The Content Uri in Sealights Layer should be to related --exportlayerpath path on sl-python configlambda command

  2. The 'AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: /opt/sealights-extension' is a mandatory env var to set in order to invoke Sealights Lambda handler


Additional Optional Environment Variables:

In addition to the mandatory 'AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: /opt/sealights-extension' environment variable there are more environment variables that override the sl_lambda_config.json values:

Environment Variable Name



Environment Variable Name




Set Sealights lambda debug mode



Set app name



Set build name



Set branch name



Set build session id name



Set collector url



Set Lab Id


Code Example

Code repository

GitHub - liornabat-sealights/lambda-python-example

This code repository contains two lambda functions. function1 and function2


Here are the steps to add sealights lambda support.


Step 0 - Config and scanning

Before we adding the Sealights support, we need to install the sl-python agent, create bsid with config and perform a scan (as any python code)


Step 1 - Running sl-python configlambda


sl-python configlambda --slconfigpaths "./function_1,./function_2" --collectorurl "https://all-peas-press.loca.lt" --exportlayerpath "./"

Where the collector URL should set to the real collector url.
after running this command a file called sl_lambda_config.json will be created.


Step 2 - Amending the deploy manifest

Here is the original deploy manifest

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: sealigths-lambda-example-prod Globals: Function: Timeout: 30 Resources: Function1: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: function_1/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.11 Events: HelloWorld: Type: Api Properties: Path: /function1 Method: get Function2: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: function_2/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.11 Events: HelloWorld: Type: Api Properties: Path: /function2 Method: get Outputs: Function1: Description: "Sealights Lambda Function1 ARN" Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/function1/" Function2: Description: "Sealights Lambda Function2 ARN" Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/function2/"

We will add Sealights Layer and do changes to the functions settings.

Here is the amended deployment manifest:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: sealigths-lambda-example-sl Globals: Function: Timeout: 30 Resources: SealightsLayer: Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion Properties: LayerName: sealights_layer Description: Layer for managing code coverage ContentUri: sealights_layer/ CompatibleRuntimes: - python3.11 Function1: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: function_1/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.11 Layers: - !Ref SealightsLayer Environment: Variables: AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: /opt/sealights-extension SL_DEBUG: true Events: HelloWorld: Type: Api Properties: Path: /function1 Method: get Function2: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: function_2/ Handler: app.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.11 Layers: - !Ref SealightsLayer Environment: Variables: AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: /opt/sealights-extension Events: HelloWorld: Type: Api Properties: Path: /function2 Method: get Outputs: Function1: Description: "Sealights Lambda Function1 ARN" Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/function1/" Function2: Description: "Sealights Lambda Function2 ARN" Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod/function2/"


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