Using Java Agents - Scanning a build

Using Java Agents - Scanning a build

In order to collect coverage information SeaLights agents need to first scan the binary files for the build information.

It can be the *.class, *.jar or even the *.war files.

Scanning a build (single module)

Scanning a build in Java is done using the Java Build scanner with the -scan flag for files located in workspace folder only.

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -scan -tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt -buildsessionidfile buildSessionId.txt -workspacepath "/path/to/war/files" -fi "*.war"


Scanning a build in Java for all files located in workspace folder and it's subdirectories, is done using the Java Build scanner with the -scan flag and -r flag.

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -scan -tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt -buildsessionidfile buildSessionId.txt -workspacepath "/path/to/war/files" -fi "*.class" -r

Scanning multi modules

If you want to report separate parts of the application as separate modules, you can do so with the -moduleName option.

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -scan -tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt -buildsessionidfile buildSessionId.txt -workspacepath "/path/to/war/files" -fi "*.war" -moduleName "moduleName"

It is important to always use the exact same module names each time you report a new build.

When you finish reporting all the modules, you need to send the event with the -buildend option and either the -ok or -failed depending on the result of your build process.

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -buildend -ok -tokenfile sltoken.txt -buildsessionidfile buildSessionId.txt


See 'Java Command Reference - Scanning a build' for full parameter details

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