Sealights Collector - Usage with other agents

Instrumenting an application for the browser using Collector URL

You would run your usual instrumentation command but provide an additional parameter, that is the Collector URL, for example to the following command:

npx slnodejs scan --instrumentForBrowsers --workspacepath ./calculator-app [...] --outputpath "sl_web"

We need to add --collectorUrl {collector url} (ex. --collectorUrl https://<ServerFQDN>:16500/api) parameter to the arguments list of the above command and the application once up and running with the browser agent will use the Collector for footprints, etc...

The resulting command will be

npx slnodejs scan --instrumentForBrowsers --collectorUrl https://<ServerFQDN>:16500/api --workspacepath ./calculator-app [...] --outputpath "sl_web"

Using the Collector for Lambda services

When you’re application is based on Lambdas, you can use the Collector agent to aggregate the data and reduce bandwidth consumption with your Sealights Cloud instance. In this case, you’ll have to provide the Sealights Lambda Layer with the URL to the collector instance (usually collectorURL parameter). See relevant documentation per agent technology.

Using the Collector with other agents

To use the Collector with other Sealights agents, you can pass the Collector URL as the proxy parameter of your agent configuration.

This can allow you to use the Collector as an intermediate entity between the agents and Sealights services for config or scan commands for example.