How to set up an application to report coverage to the Sealights dashboard

The following steps specify the necessary actions required to complete a standard onboarding of an application to report to the Sealights dashboard.

Sealights implementation - a Step by Step guide:

Step 1 - Getting Started

  1. Users that require access are specified by the customer, then created by Sealights.
  2. New user logs in for the first time using given credentials & sets a new password
  3. From the Sealights dashboard, create an application token (Settings → Agent Token)
    1. This token should be saved in a file (default: sltoken.txt), saved in the root workspace directory

Step 2 - Running a Sealights cycle - Build Scan

  1. Create a session ID - (Java, Node.JS, .NET, Python)
    1. Requires an application name, branch, build number & package names to be included in the scan.
    2. This step runs every time a new build is reported to the dashboard
  2. Scan the binary files (Java, Node.JS, .NET, Python)
    1. Requires permissions on the server where artifacts are built & unit tests are run

Step 3 - Running a Sealights cycle - Test Listener

  1. Configure unit tests to run with our test listener (Java - Maven/Gradle, Node.JS, .NET, Python)
    1. Method of configuration varies in accordance to how tests are run - executed by plugin/manually
  2. Deploy the packaged application onto the application server
  3. Configure application server to go up with our Test Listener & ensure the test listener is started alongside the application server. (Java, Node.JS, .NET, Python)
  4. Start an execution, specify a test stage name. (Java, Node.JS, .NET, Python)
  5. Run functional/manual tests
  6. End the execution of the test stage. (Java, Node.JS, .NET, Python)