Analyzing a GitHub.com Pull Request

Analyzing a GitHub.com Pull Request

SeaLights Pull Request Integration exposes Quality Risks to the developer as part of the Pull Request process, to be displayed and handled before the code is merged into the main branch.

SeaLights GitHub App Installation

Only an organization owner can install the app

The application will not require any access to your source code

It only requires:

  • Read access to metadata

  • Read and write access to checks


  • Select 'All repositories' or the specific list of repositories you want to receive the SeaLights Pull Request Analysis on

Configuring the pull request job

The pull request job needs to run the SeaLights build scan and test listener for the test stages you want the analysis on.
These results will be compared to the latest build you reported to SeaLights for the branch you are merging the Pull Request to.
The difference between the pull request job and standard jobs is in how the session ID is created using Pull Request specific parameters.

Generating a session ID

You create the Pull Request build session ID by using the SeaLights Java Build Scanner (See: Downloading the java agent files) with the prConfig option:

Sample command for prConfig usage
java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -prConfig -appname "MyApp" -targetBranch "master" -pullRequestNumber $GIT_PULL_REQUEST -latestCommit $PULL_REQUEST_SHA -repoUrl $GIT_REPO_URL -tokenfile ./sltoken.txt -pi "*co.sealights.sample.*"

For Java applications, the packages included and excluded should be exactly the same as what was defined to SeaLights for the merged branch so that the compared results will be the same

See prConfig - Command Reference ' for full parameter details in Java agent, node agent or via the Sealights Jenkins plugin.

Pull Request parameters explanation as seen in GitHub.com

You can easily identify the relevant values to pass to the Build Scanner based on the illustration below.

Sample of Sealights Pull Request Analysis Integration with TRAVIS-CI

You can use the following parameters from TRAVIS-CI to be passed to the prConfig comman line: See Travis Official documentation for more detail)

Sealights PR Parameter

Travis CI Env. Variable


Sealights PR Parameter

Travis CI Env. Variable








You may need to prepend the base URL of your Github repository, like "https://github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG"



This is the branch name itself and might need to have a prefix added (Like: "origin/") to match the branch that was provided to SeaLights when scanning the merged branch


Sample YML configuration
language: java install: - wget -nv https://agents.sealights.co/sealights-java/sealights-java-latest.zip - unzip sealights-java-latest.zip before_script: - export SL_PR_REPO="https://www.github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" - java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -prConfig -appname "MyApp-Master" -latestCommit $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA -pullRequestNumber $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST -repoUrl $SL_PR_REPO -targetBranch origin/$TRAVIS_BRANCH -tokenfile sl_acc_token.txt -pi "*co.sealights.sample.*" script: # Sealights is predefined in the POM Profile under the profile 'sealights' - mvn clean test -Psealights

Sample of Results on GitHub's Pull Request page

At the completion of the analysis, Sealights' App will appear as part of the "Checks" of your Pull Request. Result will appear similar to the one below:

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