Task Runner Agent - Command Reference
Task Runner Agent - Command Reference
TaskRunner configuration may be provided with system properties or as a configuration file in JSON format.
When a ‘propertyA’ is provided as a command line parameter, it should have a prefix ‘sl.’.
When same ‘propertyA’ is provided in a configuration file, it should be without the prefix.
TaskRunner configuration contains channel-specific properties and common properties. Channel-specific properties have a channel prefix (github, bitbucketServer) following the ‘sl.’ prefix and before the property name.
GitHub Entreprise Server Integration
Starting the Task Runner Agent via Configuration File
java -Dsl.config.file=<arg> -jar ./sl_task_runner.jar
Starting the Task Runner Agent using CLI parameters
java {-Dsl.token=<arg> | -tokenfile=<arg>} -Dsl.github.url=<arg> -Dsl.github.appId=<appID> -Dsl.github.privateKeyFile=</path/to/private-key-file> {-Dsl.github.checkRunName=<arg>} {-Dsl.proxy=<arg>} -jar ./sl_task_runner.jar
Configuration parameters
Property | Default |