Weblogic - failed hostname verification check . Certificate contained ...


When using the SeaLights test listener as a javaagent in Weblogic, it fails to load with a 'failed hostname verification check' certificate issue.

... <Certificate chain received from hostname - xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --> app.sealights.co failed hostname verification check. Certificate contained *.sealights.co but check expected app.sealights.co>


As the SeaLights certificate is a general certificate for *.sealights.co servers, if Weblogic is set up to perform a hostname verification then this will fail.
Therefore you should turn off this verification in Weblogic

You can turn off the hostname verification by going to:

  • The Administration Console

  • Click on Lock & Edit

  • Expand Environment and select Servers

  • Select the server

  • Go to ConfigurationSSLAdvanced

  • Under Hostname Verification select none

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