SeaLights CD Agent for Java Application
Onboarding the Java CD Agent
These steps outline the onboarding steps needed on the environment, with the CD agent, added to each component that builds up the Application Under Test.
Each component within the application is a service running on a ‘dedicated’ JVM:
This could be an application server like Tomcat, JBoss, Websphere/Weblogic, or a standalone Java process using the Java Runtime Environment.
They can be on physical machines, VMs, containers, on-prem, or the cloud.
Configuration steps
Download an Agent Token from the dashboard and make it available to each component configured with our agent.
This can be done by placing it in a file accessible to the agent or through an environment variable directly or through a secret manager.
Download the CD agent and make it available to each component by copying it in, downloading it during startup, or mounting an external volume containing the agent.
The agent is downloadable from the following URL:
You can refer to the following sample commands below: SeaLights CD Agent | Downloading the agent
Create an “Integration Build Lab ID” entry of type “CD only” in the dashboard for the tested application (see picture on the right).
Do so in the settings of the SeaLights dashboard, under 'Cockpit & Onboarding → Integration Build Labs → CD Only'
The lab ID from this integration build entry needs to be provided to the CD agent through an environment variable.
Add the CD agent to your JVM as a
.This is done by updating the JVM parameters of the component with
(See samples below)
Set the relevant environment variables to be used by your component JVM, either each on its own before spinning up the JVM or through the JVM parameters themselves (using
prefix) (See samples below)
When the application is up and running and the Sealights CD Agent configured, you can see it is properly running from the Cockpit -> Live Agents Monitor screen.
You have the ability to validate the JVM parameters in use with your application via the following command
ps -ef | grep java
gwmi -Class Win32_Process -Filter "name like '%java%'" | Format-Table -Wrap -Property ProcessId, CommandLine
(Powershell prompt)
Agent’s Parameters Reference
Mandatory parameters
Property | Required | Description |
sl.token | Yes | The agent token to use for the secure connection, either as a parameter or in a file The token can also be placed in a file called sltoken.txt alongside the agent and then this parameter is not required |
sl.appName | Yes | Name of the component |
sl.labId | Yes | The labId generated for the integration build entry in step #3 |
sl.buildName | Yes | Name of the components version sl.buildNameLocation value should be:
If you have multiple different components under the same JVM, they get deployed independently. This means the build name should include all of them, you can configure each one with a separate build name location flag with the following naming convention: The exact same value must be provided for the same version of the service being deployed multiple times |
sl.includes | Yes | Comma-separated list of search patterns with wildcards ( You should prepend each of the enlisted packages with an asterisk sign (e.g., |
Optional parameters
These parameters may be required due to your specific configuration or environment’s limitations (e.g., proxy).
Property | Required | Description |
sl.excludes | No | Comma-separated list of search patterns with wildcards ( |
sl.branchName | No | Name of the branch of the component. If not provided, the lab branch name will be used |
sl.workspace | No | Folders to search for files to be scanned. Default is the current working directory |
sl.filesincluded | No | Comma-separated list of search patterns with wildcards for the files to be included in the scan. Default is Each file is handled with its full path, therefore an asterisk must be provided at the beginning unless specifying the full path in the value |
sl.filesexcluded | No | Comma-separated list of search patterns with wildcards for the files to be excluded from the scan Each file is handled with its full path, therefore an asterisk must be provided at the beginning unless specifying the full path in the value |
sl.recursive | No | Indication for scanning the workspace paths recursively. The default value is |
sl.proxy | No | Proxy for the agent to go through when communicating with SeaLights. |
sl.tags | No | Free text comma-separated tags to help identify the agents later in the cockpit |
Logging parameters
To enable logs, you can set the following parameters as environment variables or add them as -Dsl.*
parameters. Both console output and file options are compatible and non-exclusive.
For logging into the console, add
-Dsl.log.toConsole=true -Dsl.log.level=info [--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED]
For logging into a file, add
-Dsl.log.toFile=true -Dsl.log.level=info -Dsl.log.folder=<path/with/permissions/> [--add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED] [-Dsl.log.count=<value>] [-Dsl.log.limit=<arg>] [-Dsl.log.filename=<arg>]
Parameter | Required | Description |
| No | Sets the log level to one of the following: "off", "error", "warn", "info", "debug" |
| No | Set to true to enable log output to the console |
| No | Set to true to enable log output to a file |
| No | Provide a folder to save the log files in |
| No | Provide the name of the log file |
| No | Limit the number of log files to create. Default: 10 |
| No | Limit the size of the log file in megabytes (MB). The default value is 10 (i.e. 10*1024 KB) |
| No | Special JVM parameter to allow logging in Java 9 and later in addition to |
Sample Commands
Downloading the agent
The agent is downloadable from the following URL:
You can use the following commands to automate the process
wget -nv
unzip -oq
echo "Sealights CD Agent version used is:" `cat version.txt`
Configuration commands
java -javaagent:/sealights/sl-cd-agent.jar -Dsl.token=${SL_TOKEN} -Dsl.appName=microservices_orders -Dsl.buildName=weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 -Dsl.tags=JRE -Dsl.labId=integ_test_microservices -Dsl.includes="works*" -jar app.jar
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:/sealights/sl-cd-agent.jar -Dsl.tokenFile=/sealights/sltoken.txt -Dsl.appName=microservices_orders -Dsl.buildName=weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8 -Dsl.tags=bash -Dsl.labId=integ_test_microservices -Dsl.includes=works*"
java -jar app.jar
Docker compose
image: weaveworksdemos/queue-master:0.3.1
hostname: queue-master
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
restart: always
- all
read_only: true
- /tmp:rw,noexec,nosuid
- JAVA_OPTS=-javaagent:/sealights/sl-cd-agent.jar -Dsl.tokenFile=/sealights/sltoken.txt -Dsl.appName=microservices_queuemaster -Dsl.buildName=${BUILD_NAME} -Dsl.tags=script,container -Dsl.labId=integ_test_microservices -Dsl.includes=works*
- /tmp/sealights:/sealights
A sample to use ${BUILD_NAME}
dynamically is to set it in the .env
K8s using an init container
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: carts
name: carts
namespace: sock-shop
replicas: 1
name: carts
name: carts
- name: java-cd-agent
image: java-cd-agent:latest
imagePullPolicy: Never
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cp /download/sl-cd-agent.jar /sealights"]
- mountPath: /sealights
name: java-cd-agent-file
- name: carts
image: weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8
value: -javaagent:/sealights/sl-cd-agent.jar -Dsl.tokenFile=/etc/sltoken.txt -Dsl.appName=microservices_carts -Dsl.buildName=${BUILD_NAME} -Dsl.tags=k8s,ic -Dsl.labId=integ_test_microservices -Dsl.includes=works* -Dsl.workspace=/path/to/app/folder/
- name: JAVA_OPTS
value: -Xms64m -Xmx128m -XX:+UseG1GC -Dspring.zipkin.enabled=false
cpu: 300m
memory: 500Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 200Mi
- containerPort: 80
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 10001
- all
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
- mountPath: /tmp
name: tmp-volume
- mountPath: /sealights
name: java-cd-agent-file
- name: tmp-volume
medium: Memory
- name: java-cd-agent-file
emptyDir: {}
nodeSelector: linux
A sample to use ${BUILD_NAME}
dynamically is to set it using envsubst
export BUILD_NAME=weaveworksdemos/carts:0.4.8
envsubst < k8s.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Docker file for java-cd-agent
FROM alpine:3.17.0
ADD sl-cd-agent.jar /download/sl-cd-agent.jar