Running Tests (Only) using SeaLights Gradle plugin (JSON file)

Please make sure the Sealights Test Listener is deployed to capture coverage of the application to be tested by this script.
For Java application, you can refer to

SeaLights build scanner (sl-build-scanner.jar) can be used to update build.gradle script with the settings and enable its execution during the relevant Gradle projects.

Configuration file

Create a JSON configuration file with the following parameters in order to provide the necessary configuration fields to the SeaLights Gradle plugin:

  1. token or tokenFile - set with a token or a file containing the token obtained from the SeaLights dashboard

  2. buildSessionId or buildSessionIdFile - Set with a build session id or a file containing the build session id created externally via the config step

  3. createBuildSessionId - Set to false

  4. executionType - set to testsonly to execute only the test listener. This will appear as runTestOnly=true in the integrated gradle file.

{ "executionType":"testsonly", "tokenFile": "./sltoken.txt", "createBuildSessionId": false, "labId": "${System.getenv('LAB_ID')}", "filesStorage":"/tmp", "logEnabled":false, "logLevel":"off", "logToFile":false, "logToConsole":true, "proxy": null, "runFunctionalTests": true, "testTasksAndStages":{"test":"Functional Tests"}, "testListenerJvmParams":{"sl.tags":"cucumber"} }

The following optional parameters:

  1. logEnabled - Set to true if you want a log to be created

  2. logLevel - Set the log level to create. For example WARN or INFO

  3. logToFile - Set to true if you want the log to written to a file

  4. logToConsole - Set to true if you want the log to written to the console

  5. filesStorage - location of temporary folder location to store cached agent files

  6. proxy - Provide the URL to the proxy to route the calls through if needed

  7. labId - Unique ID for a set of test labs in case multiple labs are running simultaneously

  8. runFunctionalTests - Set to true to enforce partial validation of build. This is commonly used when the tested application is for example an Integration Build or a different technology than Java. In these cases, the Java packages included parameter will not be validated.

  9. testListenerJvmParams - Containing an array of all the parameters you want to pass to all the SeaLights test execution step, Note: the key and values must always be strings

  10. testTasksAndStages - A map of tasks and their test stage names to integrate SeaLights into the jvmargs. Default are test, unitPlatformTest with test stage "Unit Tests" and integrationTest with test stage "Integration Tests"

For additional parameters values and information, please refer to Gradle plugin Command reference - JSON Configuration file parameters

When using gradle on Windows, you will need to double the backslash used in path file for parameters like tokenFile, buildSessionIdFile and fileStorage - i.e. tokenFile = "C:\\Sealights\\sltoken.txt"

Integrating into the Build.gradle script

Before running your Gradle build, you run the build scanner with -gradle flag to integrate the SeaLights Gradle plugin into the build.gradle file. This will create a sealights.gradle script with all the configuration taken from the JSON config file and append a reference to it in build.gradle.

The standard parameters the build scanner receives are:

  • configfile - The path to the JSON configuration you created with the parameters to be provided to the SeaLights Gradle plugin

  • workspacepath - The base path to the location of the build.gradle file to update

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -gradle -configfile sl-config.json -workspacepath .

Executing your tests with Gradle

You can use your regular gradle command to execute your tests.
Typically the command is 'gradle clean test' for example.

Restoring the build.gradle file to its previous state

In case the project is to be restored to its previous state before the SeaLights plugin was applied, use the build scanner with the -restoreGradle flag on the workspace where the file is located:

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -restoreGradle -workspacepath .

This command will (1) restore from backup, (2) delete the backup file, and (3) delete the sealights.gradle file. 
Failure at any of these steps won’t prevent the next ones, so that the project is restored as much as possible.