Sealights Gradle plugin - Command reference

Sealights Gradle plugin - Command reference

Integrating into the build.gradle files

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -gradle -configfile <arg> -workspacepath <arg> [-pluginversion <arg>] [-repoConfig <arg>] [-includedProjects <arg>] [-excludedProjects <arg>]






The path to the JSON configuration you created with the parameters to be provided to the SeaLights Gradle Plugin


The base path to the location of the build.gradle files to update


(Optional) Version of the Gradle SeaLights Plugin to insert into the build.gradle.
This command line option overrides the configuration from the JSON file.


(Optional) Configuration of repositories from which the SeaLights Gradle plugin will be taken.

This will be put as is in a Gradle script's buildScript { repositories { /* repoConfig */ } } block.
For multiline config, separate the lines by semicolon ;, e.g. -repocConfig "mavenLocal(); mavenCentral()"


(Optional) Comma-separated list of Gradle (sub)projects to include in SeaLights integration.
When not set or empty, all (sub)projects are included.
This command line option overrides the configuration from the JSON file.


(Optional) Comma-separated list of Gradle (sub)projects to exclude from SeaLights integration.
If a project’s name is on both includedProjects and excludedProjects, this option supersedes and overrides includedProjects.
This command line option overrides the configuration from the JSON file.

Restoring the build.gradle file to its previous state

java -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -restoreGradle -workspacepath <arg>






The base path to the location of the build.gradle files to update

JSON Configuration file parameters

Create a JSON configuration file with the following parameters in order to provide the necessary configuration fields to the SeaLights Gradle plugin:

  1. token or tokenFile - set with a token or a file containing the token obtained from the SeaLights dashboard

  2. If you create a Build Session ID externally, provide the following fields:

    1. buildSessionId or buildSessionIdFile - Set with a build session id or a file containing the build session id created by the config step

    2. createBuildSessionId - Set to false

  3. If you want to create a Build Session ID using the SeaLights Gradle plugin, provide the following fields:

    1. createBuildSessionId - Set to true

    2. appName - Name of the application as you want to see it on the SeaLights dashboard

    3. branchName - Name of the branch as you want to see it on the SeaLights dashboard

    4. buildName - Name of the build as you want to see it on the SeaLights dashboard

    5. packagesIncluded - Comma-separated list of packages to include in scan. Note: This is defining a subset, so it must include the astrix to include all sub packages/classes

    6. packagesExcluded - (Optional) Comma-separated list of packages to include in scan.  Note: This is defining a subset, so it must include the astrix to include all sub packages/classes

  4. executionType - Provide which executions need to handled by the Gradle plugin

    1. full - Execute both the build scanner and the test listener. This will appear as runTestOnly=false in the integrated gradle file.

    2. testsonly - Execute only the test listener. This will appear as runTestOnly=true in the integrated gradle file.

    3. scanonly - Execute only the build scanner

  5. filesincluded - (Optional) Set to the binary files to scan. Default: *.class

  6. filesexcluded - (Optional) Set to the binary files to excluded from the scan. Default: *test-classes*

  7. workspacepath - Set to the path to the binary files to scan. Default: project.buildDir

  8. recursive - (Optional) Set to true to scan all the subdirectories of workspacepath. Default: true

  9. includeResources - (Optional) Set to include the token and build session ID files in the built resources

  10. includeTokenResource - (Optional) On top of includeResources above, set to false to exclude the token file from the built resources. By default is true.

  11. testTasksAndStages - (Optional) Mapping of test tasks’s names to test stage names as they will be displayed on the SeaLights dashboard. It should be of the format {"testTask1":"testStage1", "testTask2":"testStage2"}

  12. labId - (Optional) Unique ID for a set of test labs in case multiple labs are running simultaneously

  13. filesStorage - Set to the temp folder for the agent to create temporary files in. For example /tmp

  14. logEnabled - Set to true if you want a log to be created

  15. logLevel - Set the log level to create. For example INFO

  16. logToFile - Set to true if you want the log to written to a file

  17. logToConsole - Set to true if you want the log to written to the console

  18. proxy - (Optional) Address of proxy to run connection through

  19. sealightsJvmParams - Containing and array of all the JVM parameters you want to pass to all the SeaLights execution steps (build&test).
    Note: the key and values must always be strings. It should be of the format {"key1":"val1", "key2":"val2"}

  20. buildScannerParams - Containing a map of all the parameters you want to pass to all the SeaLights build execution step only. Note: the key and values must always be strings

  21. testListenerJvmParams - Containing a map of all the parameters you want to pass to all the SeaLights test execution step only, Note: the key and values must always be strings

  22. pluginVersion - (Optional) version of the SeaLights Gradle plugin. Default: latest.release

  23. gradleProjectConfig - (Optional) JSON elment with definitions of following Gradle project’s integration properties:

    1. includedProjects - (Optional) array of names of (sub)projects to include in integration.
      Projects from outside this array will not be built with SeaLights integration. E.g. ["subProject1", "subProject3"]. Default: all projects included.

    2. excludedProjects - (Optional) array of names of (sub)projects to exclude in integration.
      Projects from this array will not be built with SeaLights integration. E.g. ["subProject1", "subProject3"]. Default: []

    3. repoConfig - (Optional) The configuration of repositories from which the SeaLights Gradle plugin will be taken. This will be put as is in a Gradle script's buildScript { repositories { /* repoConfig */ } } block.
      For multi-line configuration, use the \n character in JSON string. Default: mavenCentral()

    4. useOnlyProjectRepoSection - (Optional) Flag to skip injecting repositories section to result build.gradle file to allow use only customer-defined list of repositories.

  24. metadata section with CI details

    1. jobName - Set to the name of the build job. For example ${JOB_NAME}

    2. logsUrl - Set to the link that the SeaLights dashboard should provide to view the build log. For example ${BUILD_URL}/console

Additional Configuration Options


You can add tags to be viewed in the Sealights Cockpit for the agents started by this Gradle job by passing them through the sl.tags property in the sealightsJvmParams field

"sealightsJvmParams": { "sl.tags": "mytag", }


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