Unit Test Coverage issues - Troubleshooting

Unit Test Coverage issues - Troubleshooting


Verify Build data reported

Under Cockpit > Build Monitor, check if the overall Build information is correct e.g. the expected number of modules and methods reported. If not, check the Sealights packagesIncluded and packagesExcluded arguments.


Verify Test Listener status

Under Cockpit > Build Monitor, on Unit Tests tab, check there is at least one Test Listener entry present and the status color of the Coverage Data Indicator. Green indicates coverage has been successfully sent to Sealights.






When using Sealights Maven plugin with Surefire, check that the Test Listener shows the “surefire” tag. Check CI log for Unit Test step if no Test Listener agent is listed in Build Monitor.


When using Azure DevOps / VSTS plugin, ensure that the correct process architecture is defined for the process running the tests (MSTest, xUnit etc.)


Contact Sealights Support

If none of the above suggestions helped you to resolve the issue please contact us for assistance as described in this article.

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