Metrics Definition
Overall coverage
Shows the percentage of methods that have been tested by one or more test stages.
Overall Coverage [%] = Number of tested methods / overall number of methods.
Referenced build
The build serving as a baseline to calculate the modified code coverage and quality risks.
The reference build affects: (1) Modified Coverage (2) Quality Risks (3) Quality Gates
Modified code coverage
Shows the percentage of modified methods that have been tested by one or more test stages.
Modified Coverage [%] = Number of modified & tested methods / overall number of modified methods
Quality risk
Quality risk is a modified method that was not tested by any of your test stages.
Quality gate
Quality thresholds that determine if a build is meeting your predefined quality criteria.
There are 3 parameters that control the quality gate status:
New/Modified code coverage
Overall code coverage
Failed tests
In order to set the Quality Gates, please refer to the following article: