Release Quality Analytics

Release Quality Analytics

A quality risk arises whenever a developer submits a code change into a repository that has no test coverage. Of course, it is vital that you prevent such quality risks from reaching production. Optimally, it’s important to find these quality risks further upstream in your delivery pipeline. With SeaLights Release Quality Analytics, you can automate the detection of such exposures and better enforce high quality standards throughout your organization.

Preparing to leverage Release Quality Analytics

Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Focus on what matters most, the untested code changes. You will need to edit the SeaLights Settings to ignore irrelevant code.

  2. Verify you can see the quality risks for your untested code changes. This information will be available in the SeaLights Dashboard, as you review a list of files that contain untested code changes.

  3. View the quality risks within your code with the SeaLights Code Viewer Chrome Extension.

Minimizing quality risk in your pipeline

SeaLights Release Quality Analytics is most beneficial to your testing efforts in these two ways:

  1. Test your code before merging it into the master branch — Validate during a pull request that the code changes done in your developer branch are tested.

  2. Verify that any new or modified code in your latest build has been tested in your pipeline — Builds that contain any quality risks should be automatically blocked from making further progress.

Learn more in https://sealights.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TWJOH/pages/882344068.


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