Sealights Java Agent - Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Support

Sealights Java Agent - Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Support

Adding the Sealights java agent into you Pivotal Cloud Foundry (formerly VMWare Tanzu Application Services) is done by using the standard java buildpack 4.39 or later.

Prerequisite: Installing CF Java buildpack

The java-buildpack is a Cloud Foundry buildpack for running JVM-based applications and configured in one of the following ways:

Option A: In the manifest.yml of your app, add the cloudfoundry java-buildpack

--- applications: - name: yourApp buildpacks: - https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack

Option B: Add the buildpack through the command line

cf push -b https://github.com/cloudfoundry/java-buildpack

If you need to create an offline buildpack without network access you can do so following the instructions here: GitHub - cloudfoundry/java-buildpack: Cloud Foundry buildpack for running Java applications

Create your Sealights User-Provided service

Create a Sealights User-Provided Service and configure it with an agent token. This should be done once, before configuring the first application.


cf cups sealights -p '{"token":"ey…"}'


A different name for the user-provided service may be used, but it has to include the word sealights (lowercase) for the integration to work

Bind your application to your Sealights service

Bind the User-Provided Service with your application using the following command


If the build session id, lab id, proxy or other settings need to be configured, you may either:

  • hard-code them in manifest.yml:

  • pass them as environment variables for the application via a dedicated command:

  • set up as environment variables via your administrative console:


Available configuration keys are






Sealights' Build Session ID for the application. Leave blank to use the value embedded in the jar/war artifacts


Specify a HTTP proxy used to communicate with the Sealights backend. Required when a corporate network prohibits communication to cloud services.
The default is to have no proxy configured. This does not inherit from http_proxy/https_proxy or http.proxyHost/https.proxyHost, you must set this specifically if a proxy is needed.


Specify a Sealights Lab ID


Enable/disable agent auto-upgrade. Off by default.


The version of Auto-reconfiguration to use. Candidate versions can be found in this listing.
If auto_upgrade is turned on, a different version may be downloaded and used at runtime


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