Java - Ignoring getters/setters and default constructors


SeaLights Java build scan includes default getters/setters and default constructors and I don't want to receive coverage and/or quality risks for them


Although default getters/setters and default constructors are code and should also be tested, we understand certain companies would decide to exclude them from the data scanned and tested.
Therefore, if you pass the following flags to the build scanner and set them to false they will be excluded automatically from the scan.

-Dsl.featuresData.reportOnConstructors=false -Dsl.featuresData.reportOnGettersAndSetters=false
Sample of updated 'scan' command
java -Dsl.featuresData.reportOnConstructors=false -Dsl.featuresData.reportOnGettersAndSetters=false -jar sl-build-scanner.jar -scan -tokenfile /path/to/sltoken.txt -buildsessionidfile buildSessionId.txt -workspacepath "/path/to/war/files" -fi "*.war"